Xbox One backwards compatibility covers Xbox 360 DLC

Publishers need to support the DLC.

Microsoft revealed that the Xbox One would be getting a highly requested feature during their E3 2015 press conference, backwards compatibility. Soon enough Xbox One owners will be able to play their Xbox 360 games on their new console without having to pay for a game you already own. 

There are quite a few games already approved for the function, with a few more possibly on the way, but there's one question that was lingering in the Xbox community — what about downloadable content?

According to the official Xbox Support Twitter account, the Xbox One will allow downloadable content from Xbox 360 games to be used with the backwards compatibility feature. There is a limitation though, DLC will only be accessible on specific games that have been allowed by the game publisher. So, if you want to see DLC on a specific game, not only do you need to vote for the game, but you need to make it clear to the game publishers that you would like to see the DLC available as well.

The feature is currently available for Xbox One Preview Program members to try out. These preview members have already given us a look at the original Mass Effect on the Xbox One.

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