Xbox One blackscreening bug caused by latest update

Since the latest console update that came out earlier this month, some Xbox One owners are reporting an issue where the system black screens. At first, some users thought it was maybe caused by the Titanfall beta, but that has been debunked. 

In response to a tweet about the issue, Microsoft offered a temporary fix: power cycling the console by holding the power for 10 seconds. 

The latest system update addressed some concerns of console owners. The user experience had some big improvements made to it, adding the ability to see and manage your storage space, the return of the battery power indicator, and USB keyboard support. 

There is another console update coming on March 4th in preparation for the release of Titanfall​ containing "many new features and improvements, most significantly to [the Xbox One] party and multiplayer systems."

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at [email protected]


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