Xbox One Creator update begins rolling out to Preview Program members; Includes never before mentioned features

Copilot sounds fun, great accessibility feature

The newest update for Xbox One has begun to roll out to Preview Program members and it includes a lot of features that we haven't heard about yet. The update has a new accessibility feature called copilot that is aimed at gamers with disabilities. 

The copilot allows two controllers to act as one, which will help gamers with certain disabilities when playing local co-op. The listing states that

Take for instance our new Copilot feature which allows two controllers to act as if they were one. This will help make Xbox One more inviting to new gamers needing assistance, more fun by adding cooperative controls for any game and easier for players who need unique configurations to play — whether that is with hands apart, hand and chin, hand and foot, etc.. We are also adding new enhancements to Magnifier and Narrator, as well as giving more options over audio output and custom rumble settings on a controller, which was previously reserved for the Xbox Elite Controller

Other updates include better audio outputs with compatibility for Dolby Atmos sound as well as letting Cortana set alarms and reminders. The main feature of the update is the newly enhanced guide. One press of the Xbox button now brings up the guide as an overlay rather than returning you to the home menu.


In the overlay is a new achievement tracker and quicker access to the store, games & apps and your most used pins. The overlay does have a customization option as well, allowing you to configure whatever items you want most to appear as you see fit. 

The update has gone out to some Insider Program members now and more will get it in the coming weeks before it goes live for everyone. Microsoft noted that this update is geared toward "performance, people, competition and streaming" and it has worked so far. We were lucky enough to be one of the ones to receive the update already, and the UI definitely feels more responsive. That brief delay to return home when hitting the Xbox button is no longer there, and the visuals seem much more appealing

No exact date for when all Xbox One users can get their hands on it other than in the coming weeks. More to come. 

[Xbox Wire]