Xbox One users might be getting custom gamerpics sometime in the future

For the love of God, no dick pics please...

Xbox One users might be getting custom gamerpics sometime in the future

Customization is a big deal, especially in the day and age of social media. Freedom of expression comes in a multitude of contexts, and for Xbox gamers, one of those ways is via a gamerpic. Until now, we've only ever been able to choose from a list of pre-selected images to make our gamerpic, but that might be changing very soon. Fans are not shy about asking for things on Twitter, and one of the things they've been asking for is the ability to customize their gamerpic.

Some have brushed it off as an impossibility, but Mike Ybarra, the Director of the Xbox and Windows gaming platform at Microsoft recently hinted to a couple of fans on Twitter that the feature might be in the works. Here's the tweet: