Xbox publishing head talks Xbox exclusives, teases games “in the works”

They just aren't talking about them yet.

Xbox's Publishing head, Shannon Loftis, has been speaking quite a bit on single-player gameson the Fable franchise and on the too few Xbox One exclusives "rumor."  Once again, Loftis is speaking about Xbox exclusives and this time, instead of saying that Xbox owners have more than enough exclusives, she's saying she hears the pleas of Xbox Owners.

"I don't want to disregard the feelings of the people that care deeply about exclusives for Xbox …" said Loftis. "I think our offering is good and it is solid. I definitely hear that gamers want more. Would we love to have two-dozen more super-strong, absolutely exclusives? You bet," Loftis said. "We do have more coming; more that are in the works that we're not talking about now. But I feel good about what we have to offer for the launch [of Xbox One X]."

Ultimately, Loftis believes that the current Xbox lineup is strong enough, but that there is room for more. Luckily, there are some more Xbox games "in the works" that Xbox isn't talking about.
