Yes, BioShock was removed from the iOS store, but it’s coming back

So sayeth 2K Games, so be it.

2K Games released BioShock on iOS device last year, but hasn't been available since July because of a compatibility issue with iOS 8.4. Apparently, 2K meant to get around to a fix for quite some time, but never did. Instead they let it sit unplayable and recently removed the game from the app store without so much of a notice. 

Those that had previously bought the game were unable to access it and it can't even be located – for a $19 mobile game, this wasn't very nice of 2K to do without notice. According to 2K though, this removal was brought about by the developers attempting a fix for the game's incompatibility issue.

"2K recently provided inaccurate information to customers surrounding removal of BioShock for iOS from the App Store," the representative told GameInformer. "BioShock is currently incompatible with iOS versions 8.4 and higher, and as such, is temporarily removed for purchase from the App Store. 2K is fixing the compatibility issue, and when resolved, will place BioShock back on the App Store for purchase. Customers who already own BioShock may continue playing the game with iOS version 8.3 or earlier. 2K regrets the initial customer service error and looks forward to delivering an updated version of BioShock for iOS in the near future."

So, it's comin' back folks!