Yooka-Laylee Gets a Release Window and Physical Boxes

We can soon take Yooka-Laylee home with us like old times

Yooka-Laylee is a game that Banjo Kazooie fans have been waiting for since its first teaser. Developer Playtonic Games has finally announced a release date for the game, as well as some extra bonuses.

After showing off a short demo of Yooka-Laylee at the EGX Expo in Birmingham and revealing a special guest appearence from Shovel Knight in the game, the team went back to work to add the finishing polish to Yooka-Laylee and was then ready to announce two things: The release window and a special bonus for those whose nostalgia itch is scratched by the idea of Yooka-Laylee.

Boxed versions of Yooka-Laylee. Now, many people may be wondering why this is so exciting. Well, when a game takes so many notes from a game of the Nintendo 64 era, a physical copy may be that much more special. It's too bad it won't look like this, though.

Yooka-Laylee Gets a Release Date and Physical Boxes

The only thing that would make this news better would be if it came in a gray cartridge we could push down into our top-loader consoles of yesteryear. Nonetheless, YookaLaylee will be here soon with an ETA if Q1 2017. Playtonic's blog insists upon the nearing of the finish line and asks all Kickstarter Backers to provide names for their "Thank you" list.