You ready for some gut-busting rocking? How about some face-melting solos? Because debut album for Pentakill, the League of Legends-inspired band, has been released and is now available to download for free.
In-game, Pentakill is a five-person band made up of Mordekaiser, Karthus, Yorick, Sona, and Olaf. Each of them have unique skins that fit into this heavy metal rock band theme.
The real life Pentakill band, hoewver, is cormpised of a number of musicians within Riot, as well as some professional rockers. And today marks the release of their 8-track album, appropriately titled "Smite and Ignite." Created as a gift for "metal-loving League of Legends players," you can download the entire album for free here. The album will also be available for purchase through digital music retailers for those of you who prefer paid services to organize your music collections.
Have a listen below.
Here's the entire tracklist for Smite and Ignite:
- Lightbringer
- Deathfire Grasp
- Ohmwrecker
- Last Whisper
- The Hex Core
- The Prophecy
- Thornmail
- Orb of Winter