Zen Pinball Rolls onto iOS, Android

Zen Pinball is back … umm,  again. I know, some of you are probably waiting on the 3DS version of this take on pinball, but you're going to have to wait for that. After all, I don't think anyone's really 100 percent sure when that iteration of the game will launch.

But since you really want Zen Pinball on the go, why not check it out on your mobile device? You can currently download the game for your iPhone and Android devices and take pinball with you wherever you go. Also, it's a free download, which is kind of cool, I guess. It certainly takes the fun out of paying for games. Sheesh!

Zen Studios is no stranger to this type of marketing strategy, though. As a matter of fact, the company has done this before, and it's proven to work well. Think of it as a win-win situation for both you and the developers.

Snag your free Zen Pinball for iPhone or Android, and then prepare for some add-on tables at a later date. You don't have to buy them, but you can if you want to. Either way, it's hard to argue against a free download, right?