ZeniMax goes deep inside The Elder Scrolls Online dungeons

Following a lengthy guide in which ZeniMax Online outlined player roles and monster behavior while in The Elder Scrolls Online's dungeons, the studio has posted a follow-up Q&A that goes into further depth.

"The Elder Scrolls Online is set up to be a fluid experience. As you wander the landscape you’ll encounter caves, forts, tombs, dungeons, and etc."

ZeniMax explained that certain rare locales will "just be for solo players," but that some dungeons are meant for groups of players. "Most locales, however, will be accessible by everyone. Some might be too dangerous for you because of your current level, but you can always come back when you are more powerful if you want to complete them solo," the studio said.

Elsewhere in the post, ZeniMax explained that dungeons will offer some branching paths, but that they want the challenge from dungeons "to focus on the combat encounters rather than from trying to navigate through them."

There are plenty more questions answered in the actual post, so if you'd like to learn more about dungeons in The Elder Scrolls Online you can do so here.