Zombie Studios, the developer of Blacklight Retribution, has announced the development of a new game based on the groundbreaking Unreal Engine 4 technology from Epic Games. The new game was described as a "psychological thriller" for the PC. The studio is targeting a release in the second quarter of 2013.
“We have used Unreal Engine technology for almost a decade and after previewing Unreal Engine 4 at this year’s Game Developers Conference, we knew we would be building our next games on it,” said Jared Gerritzen, Creative Studio Head of Zombie Studios. “Epic has provided a wholly new kind of foundation for artists and designers. We’ve been able to work in ways we have only dreamed about with UE4, which will be a fundamental benefit to our studio as we move into the next generation of games and take our studio to the next level.”
“For years Zombie has achieved great results with our technology and tools, and their enthusiasm for UE4 is infectious,” said Joe Kreiner, Epic’s head of North American licensing for the Unreal Engine. “UE4 is a next-gen engine in terms of workflow, productivity and scalability – not to mention the creative freedom it gives developers. We can’t wait to see Zombie’s vision for its newest project come full circle.”
Earlier this year, Fortnite was revealed as the first game to use the Unreal Engine 4. Epic Games' upcoming co-op sandbox survival game is also being developed exclusively for PC. Despite the game's cartoonish look, Epic Games' founder Tim Sweeney defended Fortnite as a "technical powerhouse" claiming it has "vivid colors and real-time shadows everywhere." Fortnite is set to arrive in 2013.