In Jurassic World, much of Chris Pratt's role — aside from being a total badass — is about trying to "train" raptors (which I guess is also part of his being a total badass). If you've seen trailers for the movie, you'll recall a specific part in which Pratt, who plays Owen in the movie, is seen attempting to try and train the raptors. Or at least establish a relationship (read: it's not about control) with them. It is probably one of the most memorable moments of the trailer, and now it has officially become a meme.
Zookeeper's from all across the world have taken to social media, frequently using the hashtag #JurassicZoo, to re-enact Chris Pratt's raptor scene, only swapping the dinosaurs for animals that they care for. And the results are hilarious.
Oh internet, this is why I love you.
@GreensboroSC #Jurassiczookeeper Stand down!
— Audrey Niemeyer ⚓ (@Niemer11) June 17, 2015
Clever girls. The #JurassicWorld @prattprattpratt-challenge finally gets fierce. @NerdistDotCom @michelledeidre
— CA AcademyOfSciences (@calacademy) June 17, 2015
Haven't seen this one on Twitter yet, Brevard Zoo by Zookeeper Rick, stolen from The Nerdist #JurassicZoo
— Smilodonichthys (@fossilfriendly) June 17, 2015
Who needs #RaptorSquad when you have Veloci-otters? #OtterSquad #JurassicZoo
— Georgia Aquarium (@GeorgiaAquarium) June 17, 2015
Elyse with the tawny frogmouths! #JurassicWorld #Prattkeeping #RaptorSquad #JurassicZoo
— Cincinnati Zoo (@CincinnatiZoo) June 18, 2015
Clever girls… So not quite #Jurassiczoo, maybe #Jurassicfarm?
— Deen City Farm (@deencityfarm) June 18, 2015
There’s nothing harder than getting 3 Quokkas to cooperate! #JurassicZoo #ZoorassicWorld
— Taronga Zoo (@tarongazoo) June 18, 2015
. @woodlandparkzoo @michelledeidre Love your penguins! Here are our pig and pigeon #JurassicZoo keepers.
— Auckland Zoo (@aucklandzoo) June 18, 2015
We are recreating Chris Pratt's raptor control from #JurassicWorld – with our Southern White Rhinos!
— Lion Country Safari (@LionCountry) June 17, 2015