Life in the vault isn't easy. And these hilarious screenshots prove it.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is life in Fallout Shelter.
Another wonderful day.
Reddit: Doggins
You may have a problem.
Reddit: frostysnowcat
Oh, Jesus…
Reddit: thesealpushedme
Reddit: michael46and2
Not tonight! Now go play in the reactor with your friends.
Reddit: Jerensiugly
Mama needs a cocktail.
Reddit: justo316
This doesn't look safe.
Reddit: ExpendableOne
The perfect life.
Reddit: gordogato20
Don't we all?
Reddit: marjerbar
Then it would be a real party.
Reddit: marjerbar
Hide yo kids.
Reddit: AusSpyder
Might wanna get little Molly looked at.
Reddit: QuantumDrej
I'm sure they just want to talk.
Reddit: AFishYo
"Where's the fire?"
Reddit: kittenshitter5000
No ice cream here, kid.
Reddit: Zapness
Just a side effect from all the radiation.
Maybe later, kid. Mommy and daddy are having "grown up" time.
Reddit: Water_With_Lemon
This kid gets it.
Reddit: polydactyly
This is fine.