Rogue One: A Star Wars story released over the weekend, to the delight of fans and critics alike. As the first of Disney's planned anthology spinoffs, Rogue One: A Star Wars story set out to finally tell the story of the band of rebels responsible for stealing the plans to the Death Star which ultimately helped the rebels to destroy the massive Imperial base in A New Hope. Save for a few critiques, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has been largely met with praise.
If you've been following Rogue One: A Star Wars Story since its inception, you've probably read about film's extensive reshoots, which were the subject of much speculation over the summer. While the rumors and reports of exactly how much of the movie was reshot has been disputed by the filmmakers, there is undoubtedly at least a handful of moments we can recall from the teasers and trailers that didn't make it into the final film. The following are just some of the biggest scenes from the trailers that didn't seem to make the cut.