Memory 4: Ever a Splinter

Cadaver –


Everything is simple!

Juno still does not want to inhabit a human – maybe next time!!!

Note: You'll go back to Abstergo and finish up the story there. In the Epilogue, Edward Kenway meets his Daughter after finding out that his wife passed away and the both of them go to England to start anew…
Sequence 7
Memory 1 – We Demand A Parlay
Sync –
Kill 3 guards while hanging from a ledge
Sabotage the alarm bell
–Tail Woodes Rogers
First get them marked with the eagle vision and you can tail them safely from a distance. They'll go into the fort in the end and you'll need to infiltrate it.
You can do it from the left of the main entrance by climbing onto the gallows –

You can get 3 guards while moving up. You cannot let them trigger an alarm bell.
–Steal Chamberlain's plans
Get down to ground level and sabotage the alarm bell to get the sync point. Then move around in the foliage to get the plans and get out of this place.
Memory 2 – The Gunpowder Plot
Sync –
Kill 4 guards in one kill streak
Use blowpipe darts on 10 guards
Note: You can craft darts anytime and all you need is bone which you get from skinning and killing animals – go into your crafting menu and you can do it from there. You can also gain darts by looting bodies.
–Steal 4 gunpowder kegs
Just go to each of the location and steal the barrels and remember the sync points.
Memory 3 – Commodore Eighty-Sixed
Sync –
Kill 3 guards from stalking zones
Air assassinate Chamberlain
–Tail the guards
You can take down guards from foliage while following the guards and in the end you'll be asked to air assassinate Chamberlain. Just slip into the water slowly and get close to the ship. Climb the ship from it's left side and get up on a pole and jump Chamberlain when he gets below you.
Memory 4 – The Fireship
Sync –
Use the mortar to sink 3 ships
Use barrels to sink a ship
–Escort the fireship
Get behind the ship and follow it, take out any ships you see as you want and when it's time for a last shot you can then use mortars or barrels to sink the ship – to use the barrels just get the behind of you ship really close to a ship with red in the health and then shoot the barrels from behind so they hit the ship. You can fire mortars from a distance. After the fireship hits the blockade, escape from the area.
Jiguey Exploration
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
This is a smuggler's den. you'll see that everything is marked on the map anyway so get them all.
Cumberland Bay Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 1
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 2
Secrets –
Devil's Eye Caverns shipwreck Exploration
Chests – 8
Animus Fragments – 2
You'll get the plans for Elite Swivel guns in one of the chests. The elite swivels are extremely useful as you can just hold down the shift button and the guns will shoot at all of the targets which appear rather than you having to hold shift for each and every target – it's also very fast.
San Juan shipwreck Exploration
Chests – 3
Animus Fragments – 2
This one leads into a smuggler's den.
Black Trench shipwreck Exploration
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 2
You get the plans for Flower Sails in one of the chests – not the most useful plans!!!
Pinos Isle Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 2
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 6
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 1
Secret –

Stelae puzzle 1 –

Stelae puzzle 2 –

Arroyos Exploration
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassin Contacts – 2
Chests – 5
Animus Fragments – 3
Everything is shown on the map and you'll find the tavern as usual in the center of the town.
La Concepcion Wreck Exploration
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 3
You'll find plans for an Elite Ram in one of the chests.
Corozal Exploration
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassins Contracts – 2
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 3
Secrets –

… and the third is alredy mapped – it's a note bottle to the south west right below the tavern. One of the assassin's contract takes you to Amberghis Key shipwreck which leads into a smuggler's den. When you get into the den do not creat a commotion instead go up on one of the wood beams and wait for you target to appear.
Amberghis Key Exploration
Chests – 3
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
Secret –

This Cadaver leads to you the plan of "Elitee Heavy Shot" which improves the power of your heavy shots at close range – another very useful plan.
Santanillas Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 2
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 5
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 2
Stelae puzzle 1 –

Stelae puzzle 2 –

Cadaver –

Second secret is a note bottle already mapped.
Cayman Sound Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 3
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 2
You'll start one of the Templar Hunts in this location with Opia Apito.
Secret –

The cadaver leads to Elite Heavy Shot storage.
Grand Cayman Exploration
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassins Contracts – 2
Chests – 6
Song Sheets – 1
Animus Fragments – 3
The contact leads you to a smuggler's den thru Anotto Bay shipwreck.
Anotto Bay Shipwreck Exploration
Chests – 3
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
Secret –

You will come into the smuggler's den when you swim thru the water which has a shark in it. You need to avoid the shark – if it's in one lane then just take a lane to the left or right and swim thru.
The second animus fragments which is thru a wooden locked door can be got to by swimming under water. First go to the center of the den and you'll be able to see a door opening in the water –

Jump in, go left and look up and you'll see an that you can swim up to the surface here –

You'll come inside the room with the fragment.
The Blue Hole shipwreck Exploration
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 3
You'll get the plan to Elite Cannons in one of the chests.
New Bone Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassins Contracts – 2
Chests – 5
Animus Fragments – 3
Stelae puzzle –

There's an Animus Fragment on top of the windmill here. Go up the windmill and when you see a blade of the fan coming up, just before it comes up jump onto the blade and run forward to get the fragment –

Misteriosa Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 2
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 6
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 2
Secrets –

Stelae puzzle 1 –

Stelae puzzle 2 –

Kabah Ruins Wreck Exploration
Chests – 8
Animus Fragments – 3
You'll find plans for the Elite Round Shot in one of the chests – it powers-up your cannon fire.
Ile a Vache Exploration
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassin COntracts – 2
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 2
Secret –

Sequence 8
Memory 1 – Do Not Go Gently…
Sync –
Kill 4 Guards
Use heavy shot to incapacitate Man O'War
–Tail the Stranger
Go behind the stranger and he meets a Guard Captain and you'll be prompted to eavesdrop on the conversation. There's lots of foliage so keep going thru it.
You'll need to get to the wheel of the Jackdaw in the end and go for the Man O-War, just make sure that the fire shot just before the ship is incapacitated is a heavy shot at close range to get the sync point.
Memory 2 – Vanglorius Bastards
Sync –
Damage the Royal African Pearl with an upgraded ram
Use the fort's defenses to sink a ship
The ships that are following you will be around the area of the fort you previously took over. You need to take them a little close to the fort and the fort will also fire at your opponents, just incapacitate a ship inside the range and the fort will destroy it. Also, to get the other point just ram the ship with a ram you have upgraded atleast once. Board the ship and you'll be done.
Memory 3 – Marooned
Sync –
Skin 3 animals
Air Assassinate Vane
Go behind Vane… he can't handle home sickness properly!
You'll see him standing on a woodlog and shooting at you. He keeps shooting and throwing grenades. Somehow you'll nearly lose all of your health if you get him so the best this to do is to stand behind a wall and when he is throwing grenades only then run to the next wall. To get up to the log you need to move left and go from there –

While in the jungle use eagle vision to search for animals. If you cannot find animals then open the map and go to the location of an animal and go there and search but do it beofre you go after Vane.
When you get up to the log you'll see a gunpowder barrel. Stay away from, after it blows up just go up the log to the next area.
–Catch Vane
You'll come to another place where Vane is standing on top of a ruin. Move between the walls when he is throwing grenades. When you reach the wall of the building he is stading on. Move to the right and go up using the right wall. GO up above him and air assassinate from above to get the sync point.
Isla Providencia Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 2
Viewpoints – 2
Chests – 9
Animus Fragments – 5
Secrets – 2
This only shows up on the map only after Seq 8 Memory 2.
Secret –

Stelae puzzle 1 –

Stelae puzzle 2 –

Sequence 9
Memory 1 – Imagine My Surprise
Sync –
Kill 4 Brutes
Sabotage 2 Alarm Bells
–Locate Hornigold and Rogers
Try to locate Brutes and the Bells and take them down.
When tailing them hire a group of Dancers and it'll be easy for you to go behind them. While eavesdropping, enter the restricted area thru the gap in the fence –

Hide in the foliage and follow them thru the warehouse instead of the foliage. Go after them and after you are seen, run away.
Memory 2 – Trust is Earned
Sync –
Free 2 Pirates
Double Assassinate Cockram and Burgess
–Sink 3 Ships
You'll be travelling to Africa now. Sink 5 ships and land. Go after the Sage and then Burgess and Cockram.
While looking for them you can free groups of pirates. When you find the duo, go behind them or above them silently and double kill them.
Principe Exploration
Viewpoints – 2
Chests – 6
Animus Fragments – 5
Everything is simple!
Sequence 10
Memory 1 – Black Bart's Gambit
Sync –
Stay out of Combat
Use a Rope Swing to kill the Captain
–Locate a Portugese Ship and steal the Flag
You'll come to a Portugese ship ahead to the right. Get on it and get to the flag from the right of the ship using the rope nets –

But once you come up you'll see two scouts on the top, you can avoid their gaze by going from behind the poles –

Once you top you can use sleep darts to take them out – don't use berserk darts as it may gain unwanted attention. Steal the flag and jump into the water and go back.
–Locate Nosso Senhor
After the ship stops, get out and loot the chest – try to avoid being detected. Use Berserk and Sleep darts to get them away. Go back and tail the ship but go very very slowly and do not go near any other ships. You'll come to a rock after a while, the left side is blocked so go from the right but don't move in ahead of the rock, stop behind a little while as a ships comes in and if you bump into it you will be spotted.

Stick to the right side wall during this – even if you are crashing into the wall don't collide with the ship. When you move ahead you see guards to the right.
–Clear the way for the Jackdaw
Jump ashore and be quite while doing it, move to the lookup ahead and go up top – then you'll see a rope here –

You should use this to jump to the ship and assassinate the captain – you can wait till he comes ahead before jumping with the rope. Then escape with the ship.
Memory 2 – Murder and Mayhem
Sync –
Stay out of combat while finding Hornigold
Air Assassinate Hornigold
–Locate the "Benjamin" and kill Benjamin Hornigold
Don't get into the range of any ship while searching for Hornigold. Then land at the island and go above him and jump down and kill him for the sync point.
Memory 3 – The Observatory
Sync –
Incapacitate all Guardians while unarmed
Incapacitate 5 Guardians from Stalking Zones
–Clear the Jungle
This is the longest mission in the game so prepare yourself. Make sure you have your darts filled before going in for this. To get the sync points, use only your fists thru this area. Also, the guardians are always hiding in the foliage so to see them you need to use your eagle vision. After you spot them – do not move when they are standing up. Move only when they are crouching in the foliage and after you get near them take them out when they are standing up.

You need to move from area to area and take out the guardians – if you cannot take them down from the stalking zones yet then don't worry, you'll reach a location soon where you can do it but nonetheless try to take some down from within the foliage without engaging them in a fight. After a lot of clearing out the jungle, you'll reach the Observatory.
–Follow Roberts
Follow him in and you'll be thrown down. Use the ledges here to climb up and keep going up –

Also, while in here itself get the animus fragment which is on top. You will need to use the path to go to the fragment to get out of here anyway so you will get it no matter what – so use the north-east corner of the area to climb up and go from there –

You'll come out bleeding and Roberts tricks you.
Note: You'll come back to Abstergo after this and you'll need to a bit more of hacking –

Juno still does not want to inhabit a human – maybe next time!!!
Sequence 11
Memory 1 – To Suffer Without Dying
Sync –
Sabotage 3 Alarm Bells
Visit 2 Old friends
You absolutely do not need to go easy here you can raise hell and it will not matter to the mission. So take out all the guards and sabotage the three alarm bells. The first of the Old Friends you need to vision are here –

You need to interact with the skeleton to get 1 friend down. Then enter the fort – the entrance is to the right. Go in, raise hell and go into the holding cells area. Inside you meet the second friend Vane who is in the cell to the right in the first room you come to –

So that's all the sync points for this mission. Then go ahead and you'll reach Ann's cell. Open it and take her out. Outside, you can drop her body and pick it up after you fight each group of enemies you come to. Take her to the boat with Ah-Tabai and you'll be done here.
Memory 2 – Delirium
Just follow the enemy around and when you are at the party, look aroung for the Sage and kill him everytime you see him.
Memory 3 – …Everything is Permitted
Sync –
Use the Rope Dart to hang 2 Guards
Use the Rope Dart to pull 3 Guards
Follow Tabai out and get on top of a tree and shoot the dart into one of the solders and hit WASD – the direction in which you can jump so that you can hang the guard. Then you can also simply use the darts on enemies on ground to pull them towards you. You'll be done with the syncs like that then you need to get the Spanish captain and his ship.
Long Bay Exploration
Chests – 8
Animus Fragments – 5
Secrets – 1
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 3
Secret is –

Sequence 12
Memory 1 – A Governor No Longer
Sync –
Kill the Diplomat from a Haystack
Kill Rogers from a Bench
–Tail the diplomat
In the end he'll just stand infront of a Haystack. Go into the stack from behind and take him out – simple.
Then go to the party and as soon as you enter the main area, look to the left and you'll find the bench –

Sit on the bench and wait for a while, Rogers eventually makes his rounds and after a while comes right infornt of you. Take him here and you'll be done.
Memory 2 – Royal Misfortune
Sync –
Kill 8 guards by destroying powder barrels
Use the Rope Dart to kill Rogers
–Locate Bartholomew Roberts
Go ahead onto the beach and you'll come to a powder barrel to the left, you will come to more barrels ahead and the best way to do this is to move ahead and catch the attention of all guards around you and lure them close to the barrel and shoot it – even if you get hit you'll not lose a lot of your health but the enemeies will die so you can get the sync point.
–Board the Royal Fortune
To get the second syncpoint, you can bring Roger's health down to a bare minimum and then use the dart to kill him – you can make more darts if you have bones in your crafting section.
Memory 3 – Tainted Blood
Sync –
Stay Out of Combat
Use Guards as Human Shields
–Locate Laureano Torres
Move ahead and you will come to El Tiburon,
–Tail El Tiburon
There are a lot of bushes so tail them thru the bushes and from top of buildings – use the sleep darts to put the gunners on top to sleep and knock them out like that. At the entrance, use Berserk Darts to take down as many enemies as possible to avoid being detected. Then go in thru the gate and continue your way into the fort and jump down and kill Torres…
In this fight here wait for the enemies to try to shoot you and then use someone as a shield and you'll get the sync done.
–Kill El Tiburon
Best way to take him down is to keep shooting him. Then run away and go to the Assassin's Beureau
Memory 4 – Ever a Splinter
Sync –
Free 7 Guardian Hostages
Use Observatory's defenses to kill 4 guards
–Reach the Observation Room
Move from waypoint to waypoint but also to get the sync point – go to the locations where you see the soldiers and shoot them or use sleepdarts before they kill the guardians. Continue and you'll reach the observation room finally. You'll also see that some defense mechanism has been activate and you cannot go thru the beams of golden light.
So move ahead and jump onto the floating platform –

Then when the platform moves right jump onto the beams here –

The beams are moving up and down when they go up you also need to go up to the top most part of the left beam and then you come to a place where you can jump left onto another beam –

Keep going and you'll reach the main room.
–Kill Laureano Torres
To get the second sync point where you need to use the observtory's defenses to kill four guards – just stand near the places where the beams of light are and then when the guards are attacking you – use double tap E to throw them in the direction of the beams and they'll die and you'll get the sync like this –

From the left here jump ahead and go up top –

Keep going from ledge to ledge and you'll pass from under the platform Torres is standing on and go to the right where you'll come across more light beams –

Move only when they are not there – move to the right and go up, jump across to the right and keep going. You'll need to jump to the right onto a seperate platform and when it raises jump onto the ledges here on top –

Move to the left and stand on the beam and when it move towards Torres and when the shield of light is not around him hit the assassiante button – if you fail to get him then you need to restart from the checkpoint to get this.

Note: You'll go back to Abstergo and finish up the story there. In the Epilogue, Edward Kenway meets his Daughter after finding out that his wife passed away and the both of them go to England to start anew…
The End…
Antocha Wreck Exploration
Continued on Page 3…
Sequence 7
Memory 1: We Demand A Parlay
Memory 2: The Gunpowder Plot
Memory 3: Commodore Eighty-Sixed
Memory 4: The Fireship
Jiguey Exploration
Cumberland Bay Exploration
Devil's Eye Caverns shipwreck Exploration
San Juan shipwreck Exploration
Black Trench shipwreck Exploration
Pinos Isle Exploration
Arroyos Exploration
La Concepcion Wreck Exploration
Corozal Exploration
Amberghis Key Exploration
Santanillas Exploration
Cayman Sound Exploration
Grand Cayman Exploration
Anotto Bay Shipwreck Exploration
The Blue Hole shipwreck Exploration
New Bone Exploration
Misteriosa Exploration
Kabah Ruins Wreck Exploration
Ile a Vache Exploration
Sequence 8
Memory 1: Do Not Go Gently…
Memory 2: Vanglorius Bastards
Memory 3: Marooned
Isla Providencia Exploration
Sequence 9
Memory 1: Imagine My Surprise
Memory 2: Trust is Earned
Principe Exploration
Sequence 10
Memory 1: Black Bart's Gambit
Memory 2: Murder and Mayhem
Memory 3: The Observatory
Sequence 11
Memory 1: To Suffer Without Dying
Memory 2: Delirium
Memory 3: …Everything is Permitted
Long Bay Exploration
Sequence 12
Memory 1: A Governor No Longer
Memory 2: Royal Misfortune
Memory 3: Tainted Blood
Memory 4: Ever a Splinter

You'll see a map next of all the locations of Mayan Stelae in the world –

Follow Kidd again and you'll see the Templar Armor – you need to gain four more keys to gain the armor – this is covered in the "Templar Hunt" part of the walkthrough.
Note: You can now purchase upgrades for this island. Also, in Great Inagua, you will be able to find a White Jaguar at this location –

You should keep finding one there everytime you go there. Also, you need to kill one to complete an Absergo Challenge so there you have it.
Also, when you go to your ship your Quartermaster tells you about Kenway's Fleet.
Memory 2 – Nothing is True…
Sync –
Knock Out 3 Assassins
Loot 4 Treasure Chests
–Locate James Kidd
You need to complete the sync tasks before you go to Kidd – you need to remain undetected and use only fists and no weapons that might kill the enemy.
There's one chest to the right from where you begin, to get the locations of the other chests, just sync with the viewpoint you come across at the beginning. You need to move from one set of foliage to the next when the assassins are not looking towards you. Whistle to get assassins close to you so you can knock them out or approach from behind and this should give you the first sync point.
Move from one way pointer to the next by not attrachting attention – this can be difficult but time it properly and keep knocking out assassins on your way to move easily. Anyway, another location for a chest is this –

When you get to the last waypoint you'll find Kidd in the end. Run to him to talk and he'll show you in.
Memory 3 – The Sage's Buried Treasure
–Follow James Kidd
Go behind him and when you get to a wood bridge which collapses so don't go on it, wait for it to collapse and use the left side wall to move to the right onto the totem. Keep going behind him and you'll come to a puzzle. You need to align totems on their respective color platforms. The way to do it is first align a totem to the left and climb up to the weight on the left to lift up the totem, then align the respective platform under it and put your weight on the totem to being it down. You can also bring the totem on the right up and down.

Memory 4 – Overrun and Outnumberred
Sync –
Use 8 Sleep Darts on Guards
Use 2 Bersek Darts on Guards
You'll now gain the Blowpipe which can shoot Sleeping and Berserk Darts. Sleeping darts wear off over a little time and when the other soldiers notice a sleeping guy they will become wary. Berserk Darts will make the person you shoot go berserk and they will be attacked and or attack others around them.
Go and use the darts straight away. You need to go from one place where the assassins or others are captives and release them without letting the guards notice you too much. You'll get more darts each time you release an assassin.
After you release all of them go talk to Kidd and he'll show you the Mayan Outfit location. You need to solve all Mayan Stelae to open the door.
Great Inagua Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 10
Song Sheets – 2
Animus Fragments – 5
Secrets – 2
The first secret is a Cadaver at –

Also, exploring this island can be a little difficult, to get to the chests at the south coast part of the island you need to first go to the Iguana location at this place and then continue from there to the chests -11433871
The second secret is here –

Crooked Island Exploration (807,541)
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassin's Contracts – 2
Chests – 6
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 1
The tavern is at the center of the town – the guy gives you the location of a cadaver –

The secret of this place is here –

The assassin's contracts take you to a different island but they are no trouble at all.
Mariguana Island Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
The secret is here –

Tulum Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 2
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 5
The stelae puzzle is –

Florida Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 1
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
The secret is shown on the map…
You'll need to come back to Tulum after collection all the Stelae pieces.
Matanzas Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 1
Matanzas is a warehouse. For any warehouse you need to find the keyholder and take his key and open the warehouse and you'll be able to loot it. You'll find the secret which is to the right coast in the beginning of the island. And the Mayan Stelae puzzle is –

Petite Caverne
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
The secret is this –

Tortuga Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrts – 2
The secrets are here –

Mayan Stelae Puzzle –

Sequence 5
Memory 1 – The Forts
Sync –
Use the Mortar to damage the forts
use a running assassination to kill the officer
Get real close to the fort and use your cannons and mortar to take it down. Get up and the officer will rund away when he looks at you, equip your blades and run behind him and kill him then go to the war room. You'll meet up with the Templar Grandmaster.
Note: You'll get Naval Contract 13 Weathering the Storm in this fort area. Go to the location and destroy the British Fleet to achieve this.
Memory 2 – Traveling Salesman
Sync –
Kill 4 Gunners
Kill 5 guards stunned by Smoke Bombs
–Tail Pins and Torres
Move from foliage to foliage and hire Dancers immediately when you come across them and follow them around any restricted areas – once you mark them with your eagle vision you'll see them thru walls anyway.
–Eavesdrop on the Conversation
There's plenty of foliage to hide in so you should be able to do this easy. After the eavesdrop is done, you'll be left to kill 5 guards and then you need to follow and catch Kidd. Just remember the sync points and use smoke bombs and make sure you kill gunners on your way.
You'll begin this after you speak to Adele at the marked location.
Memory 3 – Unmanned
Sync –
Use berserk darts on 2 guards
Use sleep darts on 2 gunners
You can start this when you reach the top of the sync tower in the center of town. Go around the gardens and disable the towers, you can create a rukus so if you are an impatient player then go all out on the guards. Remember to use darts on the guards for sync points and sabotage the bells when you get the chance and go to see some of Kidd's acting.
–Locate Laurens Prins
You'll find Pins inside, kill him and you'll be done. Then you need to run out of this place and become anonymous.
Kingston Exploration
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 9
Assassins Contracts – 6
Chests -18
Song Sheets – 6
Animus Fragments – 13
Secrets – 6
You'll find that the warehouses in Kingston can be looted. Also, the chests which are in Prins manor can be opened if you enter thru the window in the back of the building. Also, on top of the Prins Manor is an Animus Fragment which has been the point of despair to thousands of players around the world. I found the best way to get it is to get to the top of the chimney structure which is on top of the manor and then try to assassinate someone. So attract some attention and wait on top of the structure and when someone comes under you, do an air assassination.
Unnlock the tavern in the middle of town.
Secrets –

You also have the Templar Hunt in Kingston, look at the Templar Hunts section of this walkthrough for more info.
Sequence 6
Memory 1 – Diving for Medicines
Sync –
Loot 3 treasure chests
Avoid being attacked by sharks
At the beginning of the sequence, you see yourself in 1718 Nassau in the Bahamas. Follow Blackbeard and you'll decide to buy a diving bell so go to the harbour master in Nassau and buy the bell. After this mission you can go searching in all of the underwater ship wrecks and you'll find Elite Plans to upgrade your ships weapons and armor so you'll be able to take out Legendary Ships if you concentrate after this mission.
After you buy the bell, go to the marked location which is the San Ignacio Wreck and jump in to start the mission.
–Find the Medicine
Open your map and mark each chest and go behind them. Then chest you are looking for is in the wreck of the ship ahead. The sharks are dangerous and if you want to get the sync point you'll have to stick to the floor of the sea and move from within weed to weed.
The area collapses and you need to find an exit. There's an entrance to a water cave from inside the wreck so go thru it and you'll come out with the medicine.
Go into the bell and back to Blackbeard.
Memory 2 – Devil's Advocate
Sync –
Rescue 5 Survivors
Kill 3 guards stunned by smoke bombs
–Locate Queen Anne's Revenge
You can pick you lots of survivors in the sea on your way and you'll find the ship near Mariguana Island. Once you look at the ship, jump ashore and use smoke bombs to stun the guards and take them out.
–Board the Man O'War
Destroy the ship and board it – if you still are not able to destory a simple Man O'War then you definitely need to upgrad you ship as much as possible.
Memory 3 – The Seige of Charles-Towne
Sync –
Use sleep darts on 3 Crocodiles
Skin a Crocodile
–Tail the Gunboat
Go behind the gunboat slowly but do not attrack too much attention. When you are asked to sabotage the bell, get off the ship and take it down. Then tail it again and you'll be asked to tail the guards on foot.
While on foot use your eagle vision to locate crocs in your path and put them to sleep – kill and skin one for the sync. This is the best tailing mission in the entire game. The whole setting itself is great around the swamps avoiding crocs and all. While tailing always stay behind the boat – don't go along with it or ahead of it – always stay behind a bit.
From the beginning you need to go to the right from inside hte wreck of a ship – there's a croc here so take care of it. Keep using the high way. When you come to the first set of guards, take the left where the boxs are stacked –

Keep using the top and at the next guard post use the boxes to the the right –

After you get to the last place you'll start an eavesdrop.
–Eavesdrop on the Conversation
Go behind them and after a while you'll be asked to kill the captain so run behind him – this is also the toughest run in the game and might take a couple of tries. During the run, in the beginning you'll come to a slope with a croc at the bottom – you need to hit the jump button while on the slope –

The rest of the way is just avoiding guards.
NOTE: You'll get back to Abstergo Entertainment after this, just follow the pointer and do the deeds asked of you. During hacking you need to get the target number by using the numbers at the bottom by multiplying them –

After your brief stint outside, you'll get back to Nassau.
San Igncio Wreck Exploration
Chests – 6
Animus Fragments – 3
Always, when looking for chests or fragments undewater you need to mark them on your map or it will be nearly impossible to find them. So mark them one by one and then get them. Sometimes, when chests are inside the wrecks of ships you will find it difficult to find openings to go in but rest assured there are always openings for this.
The San Ignacio wreck has the "Elite Hull" plan inside one of it's chests.
Antocha Wreck Exploration
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 2
You'll find plans for Elite Mortars in one of the chests.
GameZone brings you the complete guide on Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Sale thru the seas as Edward Kenway an up an coming pirate and go on an adventure exploring exotic shores – all secrets and collectibles are covered!
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Continued on Page 2…
Sequence 4
Memory 1: This Old Cove
Memory 2: Nothing is True…
Memory 3: The Sage's Buried Treasure
Memory 4: Overrun and Outnumberred
Great Inagua Exploration
Crooked Island Exploration
Mariguana Island Exploration
Tulum Exploration
Florida Exploration
Matanzas Exploration
Petite Caverne
Tortuga Exploration
Sequence 5
Memory 1: The Forts
Memory 2: Traveling Salesman
Memory 3: Unmanned
Kingston Exploration
Sequence 6
Memory 1: Diving for Medicines
Memory 2: Devil's Advocate
Memory 3: The Seige of Charles-Towne
San Igncio Wreck Exploration
Antocha Wreck Exploration
Continued on Page 3…
Sequence 7
Memory 1: We Demand A Parlay
Memory 2: The Gunpowder Plot
Memory 3: Commodore Eighty-Sixed
Memory 4: The Fireship
Jiguey Exploration
Cumberland Bay Exploration
Devil's Eye Caverns shipwreck Exploration
San Juan shipwreck Exploration
Black Trench shipwreck Exploration
Pinos Isle Exploration
Arroyos Exploration
La Concepcion Wreck Exploration
Corozal Exploration
Amberghis Key Exploration
Santanillas Exploration
Cayman Sound Exploration
Grand Cayman Exploration
Anotto Bay Shipwreck Exploration
The Blue Hole shipwreck Exploration
New Bone Exploration
Misteriosa Exploration
Kabah Ruins Wreck Exploration
Ile a Vache Exploration
Sequence 8
Memory 1: Do Not Go Gently…
Memory 2: Vanglorius Bastards
Memory 3: Marooned
Isla Providencia Exploration
Sequence 9
Memory 1: Imagine My Surprise
Memory 2: Trust is Earned
Principe Exploration
Sequence 10
Memory 1: Black Bart's Gambit
Memory 2: Murder and Mayhem
Memory 3: The Observatory
Sequence 11
Memory 1: To Suffer Without Dying
Memory 2: Delirium
Memory 3: …Everything is Permitted
Long Bay Exploration
Sequence 12
Memory 1: A Governor No Longer
Memory 2: Royal Misfortune
Memory 3: Tainted Blood
Memory 4: Ever a Splinter
Land Exploration
Best way to explore islands or lands in general is the sync with the Viewpoints on the map – this will show you all the things you can find including collectibles and treasure chests – locations of animals to hunt and so on. You can then hit "Tab" button to open the map and you'll see everything on it.
Collectibles and Secrets
Ofcourse a large part of the game is all about collectibles and uncovering secrets. Every area you visit in the game has a large variety of collectibles for you – most common are the Chests – they contain small treasure and coin. Viewpoints and Skinning animals are also considered as ccollectibles as the animal you skin will show up in your database so it's needed for full completion – so when you see a new type of animal on the islan you are on, make sure you kill and skin it!
Other Collectibles are Animus Fragments – they are usually suspended in mid-air and to get to them you will need to jump down onto them from a higher place – just mark them on your map and when you get to the location, you should see them, then get up to the place above the fragments and jump down. Secrets are can be Mayan Stelaes or other collectibles including treasure maps you might find as you explore the island.
It is very important that you atleast run around most of the area you are on so that all collectibles will be revealed – also sync with viewpoints for better luck with that. Mayan Stelae are Mayan sculptures you can climb on post which you need to solve a small alignment puzzle and you'll get the location of a buried treasure nearby – dig it out.
Elite Jackdaw Upgrading
You can get elite plans for your ship after the mission 1 of seq 6 where you get the diving bell. All of the important plans for your ship's armor and main weapons are inside chests in the ship wrecks undersea. Some other plans are inside hidden chests for which locations can be got by obtaining Cadavers – all of which are listed in the walkthrough in their respective land explorations.
San Ignacio Wreck – Elite Hull
Antocha Wreck – Elite Mortars (extremely important and often underused)
Devil's Eye Caverns – Elite Swivel Guns
Amberghis Key – Cadaver leading to Elite Heavy shot
La Concepcion Wreck – Elite Ram
Santillas Island – Cadaver (221,247) leading to Elite Fire Barrel
Cayman Sound (327,334) – Cadaver leading to Elite Heavy shot storage
The Blue Hole wreck – Elite Cannons
Kabah Ruins Wreck – Elite Round Shot
Island wise Collectibles Listing
Cape Bonavista
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 3
Chests – 16
Song Sheets – 1
Animus Fragments – 4
Secrets – 2
Viewpoints – 8
Assassins COntracts – 6
Chests – 20
Song Sheets – 7
Animus Fragments – 15
Secrets – 7
Abaco Island
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 1
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 2
Viewpoints – 7
Assassin Contracts – 2
Chests – 22
Song Sheets – 5
Animus Fragments – 13
Secrets – 5
Salt Lagoon Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 3
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
Andreas Island
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassin Contracts – 2
Chests – 5
Animus Fagments – 2
Secrets – 3
Cat Island
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoitns – 1
Chests – 5
Song Sheets – 1
Animus Fragments – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
Crooked Island Exploration (807,541)
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassin's Contracts – 2
Chests – 6
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 1
Mariguana Island Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
Tulum Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 2
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 5
Florida Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 1
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
Matanzas Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 1
Petite Caverne
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
Tortuga Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrts – 2
Kingston Exploration
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 9
Assassins Contracts – 6
Chests -18
Song Sheets – 6
Animus Fragments – 13
Secrets – 6
San Igncio Wreck Exploration
Chests – 6
Animus Fragments – 3
Antocha Wreck Exploration
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 2
Jiguey Exploration
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
Cumberland Bay Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 1
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 2
Devil's Eye Caverns shipwreck Exploration
Chests – 8
Animus Fragments – 2
San Juan shipwreck Exploration
Chests – 3
Animus Fragments – 2
Black Trench shipwreck Exploration
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 2
Pinos Isle Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 2
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 6
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 1
Arroyos Exploration
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassin Contacts – 2
Chests – 5
Animus Fragments – 3
La Concepcion Wreck Exploration
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 3
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassins COntracts – 2
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 3
Amberghis Key Exploration
Chests – 3
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
Santanillas Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 2
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 5
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 2
Cayman Sound Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 3
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 2
Grand Cayman Exploration
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassins Contracts – 2
Chests – 6
Song Sheets – 1
Animus Fragments – 3
Anotto Bay Shipwreck Exploration
Chests – 3
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
The Blue Hole shipwreck Exploration
Chests – 7
Animus Fragments – 3
New Bone Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassins Contracts – 2
Chests – 5
Animus Fragments – 3
Misteriosa Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 2
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 6
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 2
Kabah Ruins Wreck Exploration
Chests – 8
Animus Fragments – 3
Ile a Vache
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassin COntracts – 2
Chests – 4
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 2
Isla Providencia Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 2
Viewpoints – 2
Chests – 9
Animus Fragments – 5
Secrets – 2
Principe Exploration
Viewpoints – 2
Chests – 6
Animus Fragments – 5
Long Bay Exploration
Chests – 8
Animus Fragments – 5
Secrets – 1
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 3
Uncharted Chests and Animus Fragments
These can be difficult to find if you are looking for them one by one by sailing to each small island. And you don't need to do that. Look at this –

They are naval forts, if you destroy their defenses and go inside and kill the commander, you'll own the fort and this will reveal all locations of uncharted things that come under the control of this fort – this is how you can get them all.

The only three uncharted secrets are here –

To start harpooing, open your map and go to the location of sharks or whales in the sea. You'll see a white area in the sea, go in and you can start harpooning. You need to point and shoot at the creatures till they die and before your boat gets destroyed by them – pretty simple.
Legendary Ships
These are revealed on the map after you destroy certain Naval Forts – there are a total of 4 locations which are shown on the map but one of the location has two legendary ships. You can hope to take these ship on only and only after your ship's weapons and armor are upgraded to 100% which means you need to gather all Elite Plans for your Hull, Cannons and son on. You can only do this only afer you get the Diving Bell in Sequence 6 Memory 1 of the min storyline.
Also, after you destroy all of the Legenday Ships (you cannot board them so they'll just sink after you destroy them) you'll unlock a special power for the Jackdaw which is the charge attack. This is an extremely useful attack.
Legendary Ship 1
North-West corner
The ship is El Impoluto
The strategy of El Impoluto is to keep ramming into your and this attack is extremely difficult to avoid but you can hope to avoid the ramming once or twice if you are good at manouvering your ship – also you may be able to change the path of the Impoluto if you get in a few good hits. But the main thing is to keep using your mortars when th Impoluto is at a distance and you always need to keep bracing yourself when the Impoluto is going to attack you either wtih it's cannons or the ram. You positively need to brace yourself each time you are attacked and that's the only way to survive – apart from that take any chance you have to shoot at it.
Finally, you may need to do this battle a few times before you can take down the impoluto – just remember to brace yourself at all times especially when it is ramming into you. Also, you need to get behind the ship if possible and attack it from the behind using mortars or anything else possible.
Legendary Ship 2
North-East corner
It's actually two ships – The Royal Sovereign and the HMS Fearless.
At first they maintaing their distance and keep shooting at you – concentrate on one ship and destroy one – ramming is extremely useful. After one ship is destroyed though, the remaining ship gets very aggressive and tries to ram you. This is again like the El Impoluto so keep bracing whenever under fire.
Legendary Ship 3
South-West corner
La Dama Negra
This is on explosive ship. It's strength lies in it's mortar fire. It keeps shooting down mortar fire upon you and it's strength is immense and to avoid the mortar fire – look up in the sky to see the projectiles coming down on you and manouvre your ship around the path of the projectiles. To destory this legendary ship – as the ship just plants itself in one location and fires mortars at you – get really close behind the ship and use heavy shot on it's hind part.
The main trick here is to avoid it's mortars and you can do that by keeping a distance and movouvering around the mortar fire by lookig up at the path of the projectiles or by moving in close to the back part of the ship – I mean you need to kiss it – you can also try to ram the ship but it'll be a bit difficult as you'll probably come under a lot of mortart fire doing this so brace yourself when you cannot avoid the fire.
Legendary Ship 4
South-Eash corner
HMS Prince
This is the largest of the legendary ships and has no particular trait – it fights like a normal vessel but is very very powerful – go behind it and use heavy shot or ram it and move away. Just fight it like a normal ship but do not forget to Brace at all times.
After you destroy all four ships you unlock the Charge Attack for the Jackdaw. To do this attack, hold right click when approaching a ship and hit W twice to charge your ship and ram the enemy – this is a very powerful attack.
Naval Bases
Dry Tortuga:
Naval Contracts – 1
Chests – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
One you take this, the map reveals the location of a Legendary Ship nearby –

Mark the ship and go there immediately and see what happens. The Naval contract needs you to go to a spanish vessel and protect it by destroying several ships that come in vicinity. The Lengendary Ship will show after this battle anyway but you cannot face Legendary ships yet.
Naval Contracts – 1
Chests – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
This will reveal a Legendary ship on the map – it's actually two ships – look at the Legendary Ships part of the guide above for more info.
Naval Contract 3 – A Spanish Plague
Just sail out and you'll come across some spanish ships at one place or the other so just destroy them.
Naval Contracts – 1
Chests – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
The naval contract is "Silk on the Waves" you need to loot 30 units of cloth in the sea so do it and get back to the person to finish it.
Cabo de Cruz
Naval Contracts – 1
Chests – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
The contract is "Driftwood" where you need to steal 60 units of wood and give them to the merchant.
Castillo de Jagua
Naval Contracts – 1
Chests – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
The contract is "Eye for an Eye" You'll find the San Lorenzo frigate sailing around in the marked location so look for it thru your spyglass and board it and do what you want with the ship.
Naval Contracts – 2
Chests – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
Contract 1 – The Law of the Ocean
You need to board the ship "Hercules" and kill it's crew.
COntract 2 – The Realities of War
Go with your allies ships and sink the Spanis Convoy.
Naval Contracts – 2
Chests – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
Contract 1 – Contraband
You need to look around for one Spanish Frigate and two Brigs and sink them.
Contract 2 – Smuggler's Den
Go to the marked location and destory all ships.
Naval Contracts – 2
Chests – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
Contract 1 – Hunter Gatherer
Make some hunters come after you and destroy two of them.
Contract 2 – Papers, Please
Find the HMS Courage and sink it.
Naval Contracts – 1
Chests – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
This fort is rated as Hard in the game and so it'll have mortar towers and cannon walls on all sides so you'll need to take it down fast.
The Naval Contract here does not show up until you complete all other Naval Contracts so come here at last.
Contract –
The Final Contract
This will be the last contract in the game. You need to find the Hollande and protect it from enemy ships – simple.
Naval Contracts – 2
Chests – 2
Animus Fragments – 2
Another Hard fort having 9 defenses.
Contract 1 – Blind Justice
Board the Man O'War and take it down.
Contract 2 – A Personal Matter
Find the HMS Defiance – it's a level 29 Frigate so use your spyglass to find it and destroy it.
Templar Hunts
Kingston Assassin – Anto
Mission 1 – The Maroon Assassin
At the beginning of the mission you need to eavesdrop on the guards and then catch and interrogate them.
Mission 2 – Recruiting Maroons
Go to each location and free the slaves.
Mission 3 – Under Attack
Kill the ambushers as they come in. In the middle, Anto will ask you to run ahead to the enemy's places and kill them before they attack – this is not necessary but you can do it none the less.
Mission 4 – The Commander's Ruse
Use eagle vision to mark the captain and hire a group of dancers and follow him. The dancers go away as you pass several guards – finally start hiding in the foliage and use eagle vision to find the commander and kill him.
Wandering Assassin – Opia Apito
Mission 1 – The Taino Assassin
Starts on Cayman SOund Island (327,334).
You need to run as quickly as possible to the marked location and use your eagle eye to locate the target and shoot it quickly and skin it. It does not count if you do not skin the animal. In the end you need to kill a White Jaguar.
Mission 2 – Templar Ships
This mission takes place on Grand Cayman (397,324). Follow Opia and then eavesdrop on Alvin. After that you need to steal the ledger – just walk behind him slowly and pickpoket him.
Mission 3 – Right-hand Man
Takes place on Grand Cayman. First you need to follow Opia and then run behind Vargas and get into the Jackdaw. Use your ship to board Vargas's ship and kill him.
Mission 4 – The trail of Lucia Marquez
Takes place on Pinos Isle. Interact with Opia to start the mission and tail the soldier till he takes you to the camp. Start killing soldiers until you get Lucia out. Then run behind her and kill her to finish it and get the key.
Havana Assassin – Rhona Dinsmore
Mission 1 – Bureau under attack
Start the mission. You just need to defend the bureau – at times, carry powder kegs (not a must) to the entrances and shoot them kegs when the guards near them – just kill all the guards and you'll be done.
Mission 2 – A Thief in the Market
Go to the market – use eagle vision to spot the thief and run behind him and catch him to get the letter.
Mission 3 – Arms Race
Just go to each location and shoot the kegs
Mission 4 – Flint's End
Follow Rhona and when you find Flint, run behind him and kill him to get the key.
Nassau Assassins – Travers Brothers
Mission 1 – Oh Brother…
Use eagle vision to mark the men and eavesdrop on the conversation (hire dancers). Then enter the restricted area and find Upton and kill him.
Mission 2 – The Other Brother
Hide in the Foliage and tail Upton and Vance. While they are moving, they will come across two thieves and you need to stealthily kill the three – if you walk to the thief slowly he will not detect you can you can kill him easily. When you enter the market area, move left to the thief and kill him then hire a group of dancers you come across and when you stop at the gallows – move to the left of the gallows and wait for the thief and kill him. Then tail Vance finally and eavesdrop on the conversation – the dancers you hire will make all of this extremely easy.
After the conversation, run to the marker and you'll see Upton's assailant – kill him to end this.
Mission 3 – Upton's Sorrow
First, you'll get into a fist fight. Then you need to follow him thru the town. When prompted, hire the dancers to bump into him and in the end when he is pissing on the road, some soldiers attack so defend him and you will be done.
Mission 4 – Queen of Pirates, King of Fools
Go after Vance and locate him, after you kill him kill the chinese woman and take the key.
NOTE: After you have all the keys go to Great Inagua and into the mansion and get the armor.
Sequence 1
Memory One: Edward Conway (Prologue)
Cape Bonavista (June 1715)
Move ahead to the wheel and take control of the ship. Time for some cannon fight. Aim the cannons by holding rightclick and you should see a beam of white emanating from your ship – this is the path the cannon's fire will follow so use the mouse to aim around and fire at the enemies. You can also switch to firing swivels – especially useful when enemies are behind you as you can't aim the cannons there. After you take out their ship, swim to the shore ahead and time to search for the assassin.
Find the Assassin
You can easily get lost if you go the wrong way so run ahead the same way the Assassin went – you can explore the whole place later on but for now, let's stick to the trail. You'll come to a wood bridge, cross it and go across the small pond of water and climb the wood structure –

Move ahead and climb another wood structure and move towards the viewpoint you see on the main. Climb the viewpoint tower to the top and sync. Jump down and you'll spot the assassin again. Run behind him and you'll be running to the next viewpoint ahead. Go there and sync again. Once you jump down, you'll be close to the Assassin – make sure you are running in the same path he took because you can miss him easily if you run the wrong way. Once you get close to him, kill him and claim the Assassin's robes.
Find a way to Havana
Move ahead to the Viewpoint and sync up and jump ahead and you'll fall into a haystack. You see several Navy Guards patrolling the area while a merchant is being interrogated ahead. You need to save the merchant.
–Free the Merchant
Best way to go about taking out the enemies is from the haystack you are in, whiste and Assassinate the guard when he gets close – move about thru the bushes and move out of the bushes only when the guards can't see you – take out as many as you can from hiding or until you get bored and then reveal yourself and start the fight. One of the enemies has a gun and when he is about to fire
at you, you will have a prompt asking you to hold "SPACE" to use other enemies as human shields – do this to avoid getting shot and take them out and move close to the merchant to start the conversation.
–Sail out of the Bay
The next bit of work is to get away from this island so before you do that, you may want to get to the collectibles part of this place – read the next section for more info. Swim to the ship and climb on it from it's left in the middle part of the ship. Steer your ship to the next location – careful not to hit any land or sandy protrusions from land – sail around them – you have two speeds you can sail at. W for full speed, S for normal speed. While you are going to the next area you may get a prompt to hit 2 to "Look at Event", hit 2 and you'll see whales jump out of the water – nice!!!
Note: After this memory, you'll be taken out of the Animus and into Absertgo Entertainment so look around and hit E to interact with things and get back in the Animus for now.
Cape Bonavista Exploration
Cape Bonavista Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoints – 3
Chests – 16
Song Sheets – 1
Animus Fragments – 4
Secrets – 2
All of the collectibles will be marked on the map – the Treasure Map is on the right end of the island which will show up while you are trying to save the merchant –

The treasure map is the first secret and the second is the treasure you dig out after solving the Mayan Stelae puzzle. All other collectibles are marked – note that to get the Song Sheet you will need to run behind it fairly quickly, if you miss it then you get start again – all animus fragments can only be acquired if you jump down on them from a higher spot. To better know the location of whatever you are collecting, make sure you are marking the thing on your map so you'll know if it is below you or above you when you reach the proximity of the place the item is in.
To get the treasure, read the map you get from the dead cadaver –

From the cadaver, move directly opposite into the island – don't stray from a straight path. You will come to a cave like place with water –

Go in and to the left end ahead of the cave is an area where you will find the treasure – you will see the "dig" prompt on the screen when you are near it – it's a bit to the right of the area –

The mayan stelae puzzle solution is like this –

Move around the mouse and use WASD to align the symbol properly – the red this you might see is a Jaguar so you can skin it for an entry in your database later on.
Sequence 2
Memory 1: Lively Havana
Havana, Cuba (July 1715)
Follow Stede out and once you get to the weapon smith, buy the British Cutlasses and then since you lost your way, climb the church ahead from the right and sync up. Then Jump down and catch and loot the pickpocket. You will need to tackle the pickpoket with E when you get near him for 100% sync. Get back to Stede and eventually you'll get in a fight – beat up the attackers and you'll learn how to fight here – countering, throwing, knocking out and the lot of the fighting techniques.
–Escape the area and hide
You need to use smoke bombs to escape for 100% sync sp hit 6 to bring up the smoke bombs and F to use them. Then run away – you can look into the map to see how large the red area is and which way you need to run to get out of it soon. You'll end it once you run out of the red area – making sure no one follows you or you can just blend in or hide in a haystack to get the suspicion down. If you escape successfully, you'll end the memory.
Memory 2: …And My Sugar?
Sync –
Hire Dancers to distract guards
Stay out of combat
Tail the guards
Once you start the memory you will be asked to spot your targets using eagle vision. Use it and you see the two guys marked in gold glow. Once you come out of eagle vision, you'll still be able to see them even through walls. And you can keep a lot of distance between you and the targets.
Follow them slowly, if they enter restricted areas then just move from the left or right of the areas and keep an eye on them or the countdown starts. There's no need to climb the buildings or anything, just walk along their side.
–Eavesdrop on their conversation
You'll be asked to eavesdrop and when this happens, you can get closer to them. Do so and stay within the eavesdrop circle and you will always find a way to blend in, in the circle. You can run around in the circle from one blend spot to another. You'll reach the gallows and then tail the Captain.
Tail the Captain
After you tail him for a while, you'll be asked to steal the Captain's Key, he'll stop at one spot. Go over the wall and when he is turning the other way, steal his key and go to the next objective.
Sneak to Fort Lockup
The easiest way to sneak is to go to the left of the fort where you find wood beams coming out of the wall –

Use them to get to the top but do not go up on the roof, hang on the edge and move around all the way to the other side where the pointer is pointing. Get up on the roof and go thru the door – if you have avoided combat they you'll get the sync point. Take your stuff and run out and jump over the wall and go to Stede.
Memory 3: Mister Walpole, I presume?
Sync –
Complete the shooting course
Pickpocket all Templars
–Reach the Terrace
Go up and you'll meet Rogers, shoot all the dummies you see to get the sync point. Hit E to continue to the next place and follow the guys.
–Perform various Assassinations
You'll be asked to perform various kinds of assassinations. Just go to the marked area and do what they say. Then go to your hosts and hit E to continue and follow them.
Once you meet up with the old guy. The three of them stand about and table discussing plans. You need to pickpocket them here to get the second sync point.
Memory 4: A Man they call The Sage
Sync –
Tackle the Sage from above
Use the pistol in Combat
Just go behind them and soon you'll get to fight some enemies.
— Defend the Templars
Whatever happens, stay behind Torres – the old guy. When he runs, run behind him even if you need to abandaon a fight. Take out the enemies on your way and use the pistol you acquired to get a sync point.
–Beat up Sage
Run behid the guy and if you want to get the sync point. Get on top of building and follow him from top and when you get close to him, tackle him from above.
Memory 5: Claiming What's Due
Sync –
Stay out of combat
Kill 3 guards from Stalking Zones
–Loot the Key
Move into the foliage ahead and hide within the plants. To get the second sync point, you need to kill enemies while hiding within the plants. Go ahead to the marked location and you see a guy. Whistle near him to get him close and take him out to get his key.
–Free the Sage
The next marked spot is very very far away and you're sure to get into a fight and lose the first sync point. Best way to get there is to go back to where you started from and go around all the way to the other side and climb the wall to stay out of sight and go thru the door.
Memory 6: The Treasure Fleet
Sync –
Free 23 Pirates
Kill 3 guards from behind corners
Use Space to open your bar and get free. Use counter and knockout on the enemies and get to your gear and take it. To get the first sync point you need to go to all of the ships here and release the prisoners on them – they are marked on the map so it'll be easy.
For the second sync point. Let's start on the first ship itself and get behind corners and whistle – when they get near, take them out. After you kill all officers on board, you can free the prisoners. One of the ships has prisoners inside the ship – you can go there using the shutter door on the floor of the deck.
After you release everyone, swim to the marked ship and commandeer it. Take out the other ships around you. You will come across warps in the water, rogue waves and even tornados. Just slow down your ship to go around the warps and tornados and when you are facing rogue waves you need to face the ship head on to avoid damage – use the mini map to align your ship along the line of the rogue wave. Go to the marked location to finish this up.
Havana Exploration
Havana Exploration
Viewpoints – 8
Assassins COntracts – 6
Chests – 20
Song Sheets – 7
Animus Fragments – 15
Secrets – 7
The 7 secrets are the manuscripts you need to collect – don't go looking for them, just get them when they appear on the map – three of these are very easily found as you move around for missions and the like so. The rest are present in the following locations –

To get the above manuscript – it's nicely hidden inside the fort and there's only one entrance. Go to the right wall of the fort and cling onto the wall and go down, here you should see a open window –

Go in and you can get the chest which is inside the fort. You'll come to another open window thru here. Go thru it and jump on the beams and go thru the next open window and you'll come to the manuscript.
The Shanty's, fragments, chests and viewpoints are already marked so no problems there. The assassins contracts start now. You go to a pigeon coup to get a contract and then execute it. You get additional sync points if you kill the target (whom you need to spot using eagle vision) without starting conflict previously. You can hire dancers or blend in with the croud to distract the soldiers and get to the target – dancers are especially useful as distractions for the guards.
You can find the treasure map here –

Open the map –

See the X to the right? Now open you main map and it is exactly here –

You'll find the fallen tree which is on the drawing of the treasure map, the dig spot is near the tree itself –

Sequence 3
Memory 1: This Tyro Captain
Sync –
Shoot an Iguana
Air assassinate an Ocelot
Go to the marked Island – Abaco. Stop the ship and swim to the Island. In the map you'll see the markings of the two animals. Go to each spot and use eagle vision to spot the animals. Shooting an Iguana is easy but air assassinating an Ocelot is diffficult only in the sense that you'll need to get on top of a tree without alerting the animals and wait for one to get close to you – this'll take time. After you get the four skins. Use "Esc" to get into the menu and craft the two things you need. Go back to meet Adewele and you'll complete this memory.
Memory 2: Now Hiring
Nassau, Bahamas (September 1715)
Sync –
Disarm and kill 3 guards
Shoot the rope to save the Pirate
Recruit Pirates
You need to recruit 15 pirates by freeing them from the soldiers and they will join you on your ship. As usual, the icons are shown on the map. Go to each location and free the slaves – disarm and kill to get the first sync point. For the second sync point, you need to shoot the hanging rope of the guy about to be hanged – this will be the last icon on your map.
If you miss some pirates or they die before you can save them then new icons will keep showin up on the map as you move around.
Memory 3: Prizes and Plunder
Sync –
Use a Swivel to kill Soldiers
Plunder 20 units of Rum
–Incapacitate a Scooner
Go to the scooner and shoot it down, once it is vulnerable then before boarding the ship, use the swivel guns to the left or right of the steering wheel of the ship to shoot at enemies on the other ship – this'll complete the first sync point. For the second one, you'll surely come across a ship which has 20 units of rum on it.
–Gather Cargo
Take down more ships to get 60 units of any cargo.
–Sail to Salt Key
Once you get there, talk to the shopkeeper to buy the hull. From now on, you can just go into the cabin on your ship and interact with the ship's figurine there to upgrade your ship.
Memory 4: Raise the Black Flag
Sync –
Plunder a Hunter Ship
Plunder 30 Sugar
Main Objective is to plunder 70 units of metal. Just go around looking for ships with metal in them – usually Frigates and tougher ships only carry metal so you are in for a tough fight if you have not upgraded your ship. Anyway, one ship carrying enough metal can be found if you take the assassination contract on this island and go to the target location.
As for the Sunc points, getting 30 sugar is easy. Taking out a Hunter takes more time. You need to destroy enough ships to get your wanted rating to atleast one full red cross of the schimitars – you can see the current rating directly on top of the health bar. Once it is fully red then you'll soon come across a hunter – just don't sail the ship too quickly and it'll come soon. Hunters are the ships with red sails – you can't miss them. They are powerful enough and come in various sizes depend on your notoriety. They are Brig ships and definitely carry Metal on them.
You can find a Treasure map at this location –

Memory 5: Sugarcane and it's Yeilds
Sync –
Stay out of combat
Sabotage alarm bells
Follow Kidd and once he asks ou to spot the guy, turn on eagle vision and go to the right, the guy should be here –

Tail him and after you see him get on his ship, a counter shows – you need to reach the Jackdaw within the time and follow the ship. Tail the ship and you'll come to Cat Island.
Go down and get near the marked location to eavesdrop – best way to eavesdrop thru the entire time is to stay hidden in bushes – just run from bush to bush while the guy is moving and it'll be easy – this way you can avoid combat for the first sync point. As for the second sync point, once you see the guy reach the warehouse, the first sync is achieved and you'll be asked to find the key to the warehouse – you can start a fight if you want and kill the bell ringers and sabotage the bells – they can be seen on the map. The key holder is usually here –

After you get the key, go to the warehoue to get your plunder.
Memory 6: Proper Defenses
Sync –
Use one Broadside to sink 2 boats
Use heavyshot to sink 2 ships
–Locate the "El Arca Del Maestro"
Go to the location and you'll see the man'o war vessel. It's huge and you need to tail it without being spotted – this is easy, jsut stay out of the yellow region on the minimap. There's some additional smaller ships also, if you want to stay undetected, move to the side of the Maestro and stick near the boundary – if you go too far to the side then you'll lose it – it'll be a bit difficult when this happens. When you pass the other smaller ships – you can go back to following it from behind.
–Sink the 8 Spanish Ships
You need to upgrade your ship to get heavy shot and broadside cannons. They you can use them to get the sync points.
Memory 7 – A Single Madman
Sync –
Stay out of Combat
Air assassinate Du Casse
Get to land and go up the walls here to get to the jungle – you can easily move from bush to bush thru the entire area to get the first sync point and once you get to the ship – hide while swimming in the water… Once you get to the ship, just get on top of the beams or boxes without alerting anyone and kill Du Casse from the top.
After this the sequence is completed and you'll be hailed back out of the animus to Abstergo and you'll meet the top guy who tells you to go behind the Observatory ASAP and you help out John from IT – to hack the computer, take the pointer over the green circle and hit the right button to execulte an infinite loop – and you'll get to see Desmond Miles and his friends after that!!!
Abaco Island Exploration
Abaco Island Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 1
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 2
The treasure map is here –

But the island which the treasure is pointing to is far away – you can see the coordinates in the map. So you need to get this treasure only later on in the game – see the "Salt Lagoon Exploration" below, for it.
Nassau Exploration
Nassau Exploration
Viewpoints – 7
Assassin Contracts – 2
Chests – 22
Song Sheets – 5
Animus Fragments – 13
Secrets – 5
There are 3 animus fragments and one chest on top of a fort to the right of the island. To get those, you need to reach the top of the fort. This is the place –

Once you get there, you'll see all of those being revealed on your map. You can climb onto the fort from it's right –

You'll see some wood work stacked up and you need to use the edge of the wall going up to climb.
The secret manuscript locations are like this –

Salt Lagoon Exploration
Salt Lagoon Exploration
Viewpoints – 1
Chests – 3
Animus Fragments – 2
Secrets – 1
This is the island at 749,625. A treasure map you acquired earlier on Abaco Island points to here. This is fairly easy to spot. Just go to the top part of the island and you'll see the huge rock which is on the map. The dig spot is right infront of the rock.
You'll find another treasure map on this island –

This points to a different island.
Salt Key Bank Exploration
Salt Key Bank Exploration
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassin Contracts – 2
Chests – 6
Song Sheets – 1
Animus Fragments – 3
Secrets – 1
The secret is easily found and the tavern is shown on the mini map when you get near it – it's difficult to miss. At each tavern you'll need to fight off some thugs to unlock it. Talk to the Tavern Keep for valuable information – you can come back later and see if the keep has more info for you.
The first assassination contract needs to to kill a guy on a ship. Go to the location marked and destroy his ship. If you don't do it quickly, it'll dock in a nearby island so you need to get off your ship and run behind him and kill him.
The second contract takes you to the Naval Fort of "Dry Tortuga". You need to destroy the base to get to the target and kill him.
Andreas Island Exploration
Andreas Island Exploration
Tavern – 1
Viewpoints – 1
Assassin Contracts – 2
Chests – 5
Animus Fagments – 2
Secrets – 3
The tavern is in the middle of the island –

The secrets are –

you come across the others as you go about easily.
You'll find a treasure map here –

Also, there's a treasure map which points to 606,835 from earlier –

The location of the treasure is actually here at 616,835 –

Cat Island Exploration
Cat Island Exploration
Mayan Stelae – 1
Viewpoitns – 1
Chests – 5
Song Sheets – 1
Animus Fragments -2
Mayan Steale is alinged like this –