BBFC’s Sonic Classic Collection Rating Confounds and Confuses

There has been a bit of buzz happening all over the net about a new Sonic collection recently given a rating by the British Board of Film Classification.

Called the “Sonic Classic Collection,” it is comprised of the original Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, plus Sonic & Knuckles and its effective combinations with Sonics 2 & 3. It also contains a Sonic image gallery and a “History of Sonic” video, as well as a trailer for Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood.

It’s that last component which seems to be leading people to suspect that it, unlike every other Sonic collection out there, is made for the Nintendo DS. Others, however, wonder if this could be related to the leaked SEGA document from their talks with Sony, which spoke of a “Best of Sonic” Blu-ray that would contain “all of the old Sonic games” on a Blu-ray for nearly $100.

All I can really say is that the list hardly comprises “all” of the old Sonic games, and definitely not $100 worth at that; we’ve seen them offer so much more for so much less, so whatever that project is or might have been, it seems doubtful this is it as it stands.

And if it’s a DS compilation? That makes more sense, but it also makes me wary– the last time SEGA tried to put a Genesis Sonic title on a Nintendo handheld resulted in the horrible abomination you see above. I’d hate to see that done to the entire series.