The Mortal Kombat reboot, which graced our consoles and PCs in April of 2011, had so much going for it. Revamped characters, large character roster, tight fighting mechanics, and even a fleshed out and interesting storyline, usually something you don't find in fighting games these days. When NetherRealm Studios announced a sequel, they had to go bigger, better and certainly bloodier. They delivered.
Mortal Kombat X builds on the first game in a lot of ways. Character variety is once again the name of the game, with some new characters making a first appearance, as well as a slew of older characters as well. Not to mention, now each character had three different stances they could pick from, which would alter not only their movesets, but completely change up their strategies.
The story mode made a return as well, and of course, just as extensive, if not more so, than the first. It's truly a testament to good storytelling, and having great lore, that NetherRealm was able to implement a story in a fighting game at all. But it works!
I can't write about MKX and not mention the crazy amount of gore. Oh yeah, you might need to shield your eyes for some of these crazy finishers and Fatalities. X-Ray moves make a comeback as well, and once again show every little bone-crunching detail. I love it.