Categories: Originals

BioShock Infinite Walkthrough

The Sea of Doors

Comstock House

Well, move ahead on the bridge and pull the lever in the end. After a few very dramatic moments (in the dream, just open the door to the right)…
You'll need to pursue Elizabeth…
Objective: Enter Comstock House
Move to the edge here and latch onto the hook far ahead –
Then you can jump down onto the bridge and move past the lever. As you go ahead you'll come into a snowy area… No idea where the snow came from!!!
Enter the house and you might be surprised what you see in there –
Go inside and in the first room you come across, you can see some ghosts which seem disoriented…. If you go ahead near the gate leading out of this place you'll spot a Howler –
These things burst with a loud noise if they spot you and the ghosts which were just standing around now start attacking you… so watch out for these things.. You can't go past them or kill them so you'll be spotted anyway…
You can see that the iron gate is closed…
Get in the lift across the gate and take it up…. You'll find a Voxophone in the life [[A LEASH]]…
Once you come up you'll go thru a set of rooms connecting each other starting with the room named "The Atrium".
Objective: Go to the Warden's Office
You can use your mission pointer (N) to get thru the different rooms –
The Atrium
Where we Lie
Where we cleanse
Where we Weep
In where we weep you can find a Voxophone in a coffin [[THE VALUE OF CHOICE]].
The you pass thru the same rooms again –
Where we cleanse
Where we Sleep
The Atrium
Then you come out again and climb the stairs and go to –
Where we Work
You will come across a room with Mannequins and you can find a [[LOCKSMITH BAG]]. In the next room you can find [[NEW GEAR]] on a table –
And a Voxophone [[DEBTS]] on another table. You'll then go thru –
Where you Learn
and then finally come to the Warden's office. You can find a Voxophone [[A LAST CHANCE]] in the beside the projector in the room ahead and [[NEW GEAR]] on a table to the right here –
Then after you climb a set of steps, you will come into the office of the Warden You can pick up the [[SMOTHERED IN THE CRIB]] Voxophone here. Pull the lever and the gate below opens up.
Objective: Rescue Elizabeth
You'll get a surprise just as you turn around after pulling the lever. Now get back to the lift (Use the pointer) and you can find the [[ENDING IT]]. Then take it down and go thru the now opened gate. Now keep going thru the next set of rooms and you will come across the Twins and then finally you will come to Elizabeth…
You'll be transported back to the current time now where the younger Elizabeth is being operated on. Go to the right side and you'll come to an automated Turret..
Objective: Turn off the Machines
You can ue your mission pointer to get the locations of the machines or you can just follow the large wires on the ground to get there –
There are two chambers on either side and you need to go to each and pull a lever to switch off the device which fighting off enemies who may include a Patriot. After you pull the two levers, go down the Elizabeth.
Objective: Release Elizabeth

Do it and go back up the stairs, you should have noticed the locked door here to the left, open it and you can find a Voxophone [[PAVLOV'S BELL]] and an [[INFUSION]] there. No back outside and thru the gate across towards the Zeppelin… You will need to take the lift up.

The Hand of the Prophet

Objective: Locate Comstock
In the first room itself, you can find a [[LOCKPICK]] next to the vending machine –
Objective: Board Comstock's Flagship
As you move out, you get into a big fight so the bull-crap ends here, from now on it's just HARDCORE fighting till the end of the game… So there won't be much to write here except to suggest you to fight…
After you clear out the area (easier said than done), go to the 3-Pick door and open it. Inside you will find a 1-Pick SAFE, a Voxophone [[AN ULTIMATUM]]. Now go back outside and get onto the flagship and pull the lever to take it up to the Mother Ship.
Objective: Repel the Airborne Assault
Some other Gunships come across, you can jump onto the hooks they have and kill you enemies and then return back to your gunship. This is going to take a while and you'll have to encounter a lot of gunships so brace yourself. Don't be too shy – just board the enemy's ship and kill them and get back – your ship will always be close. You can also find First Aid kits on your ship.
Objective: Board Comstock's Flagship
After you come up to the ship, get on it and make you way up…
Objective: Find a way to the top Deck

Go ahead and you should encounter you first enemies soon…

Hangar Deck, Engineering Deck, Command Deck

Hangar Deck
Objective: Clear the Hangar Bay Sky-Line
The control panel is on the other side on this deck, you will come across many enemies so just kill all of them and go there. Also, you can pretty much find First Aid Kits on any place you are fighting so always keep a lookout for them if you need some. Here what the Control Panel looks like –
Hit the switch here and the Patriot Pods on the Skyline drop. After all of them drop down, take the skyline and jump onto the upper deck.
Objective: Clear the Main Deck Sky-Line
Find the Control Panel and hit the button and some enemies start boarding this deck, to clear the sky-line it'll take some time so you need to either hide or fight till the sky-line is cleared. You can just avoid all he enemies too if you want to and then take this one up to the top deck.
Once you are on the third-deck, go to the door and open it to get inside…
Engineering Deck
You will come into a large area which you need to get across and ride the skyline on the other side to the top most deck of the ship. So this deck has a ton of enemies on it, just make your way to the other side while killing all of them and get up top. When you are on the top most deck, you will find another door – open it and go inside.
Objective: Confront Comstock
Comstock is in the room ahead, go talk to him.. we'll you actually do more than just talk. Anyway, after that, go up to the command deck and turn the wheel here.. Suddenly the Vox start coming in.. Perfect Timing… Elizabeth thinks of a plan and tries to call a friend…
Command Deck
Objective: Direct Songbird to Protect the Zeppelin
Now then, I like most of you thought we'd be fighting the bird in the end but as it turns out – we'll be fighting with the bird. I'll give you an insight of what this part is all about – note that this is the toughest fight in the game if you don't do the things you should at the right time.
First the Bird –
You will have several Vox ships come near the deck and dump Vox enemies all over the place. If you look at them they will be highlighted in red color and then you can hold F to make Song Bird attack the ship. Later on, you can also attack Zeppelins which come here. So basically, thru the fight you ought to use Song Bird on the ships which are coming around you and it's up to your discretion as to which ones you destroy first when there are several around – one advice – destroy the dangerous or larger ships first.
Apart from the ships, several Vox along with a couple of Patriots each time get dropped on the Command Deck. They along with some ships are aiming at the power core of the ship. You can see the health of the power core at the top right of your screen. Just below it is the cooldown timer for Song Bird. After each attack with the bird, the cooldown starts and you cannot do another attack until the needle makes a full round (quite obvious!).
So apart from directing the bird, you need to get on deck or use the Sky-Line here and attack all enemies coming onto the deck before the health of your ship drops to nothing. All enemies usually concentrate on the ship an not you so you have an advantage that you can go behind the Patriot's back and hit them on their back and they'll take greater damage. You can find First-Aid kits in tears in a couple of places around the ship, one is on the main deck and the other is in the control room.
Objective: Join Elizabeth at the Bow
After a long fight and many destroyed Zeppelins go ahead to the front end of the ship (the Bow! as they call it…
Objective: Order Song Bird to destroy the Siphon

Just do it and see what happens next…

The Sea of Doors

This is basically the ending of the game and no matter what you do you will still get the same ending so look around and spend your time understanding the real story of the game as it unravels in this wonderful level…

The End…
The Bank of the Prophet


Objective: Help Elizabeth
Open the Hatch here and go to the strange couple, take the card which he gives you –
Push aside the Piano and you'll get the first view of Comstock House –
Objective: Go to Comstock House
Go ahead and when you reach the mid region, you'll find a Vending machine and past it are Vox – tough ones too so take proper cover and kill all of them. To the right in front of the Port Prosperity Building here below a cart is a [[LOCKPICK]] –
Go into the Port Prosperity Station…
Port Prosperity
To the left here is a 3-Pick Gate. Inside you'll find a Heater rifle and an [[INFUSION]]. Keep going till you come out to a "Welcome to Emporia" sign. There's a motorized Patriot in a tear here, use him as a Gondola comes in carrying a Patriot and some enemies. Kill them and board the Gondola and pull the lever.
As you move up the Line here you'll see the Strange Couple and figure out that they in fact are not related how we thought earlier (I was shocked!!!)…
Rosalind and Robert Lutece
After you come to a halt, move out and make your way to the next area. Kill the enemies here and in the adjacent area you'll come across a 3-Pick SAFE and also a new gun (possibly!) The Hail Fire…
Keep going while killing and to the left you'll come across a dead body and a Voxophone [[COMING FOR COMSTOCK]] –
You'll come to a set of stairs leading up. There's a room here which has a 3-Pick Door and also a 3-Pick lock on "The Salty Oyster".
You can find a [[NEW GEAR]] on the ground near a table –
Remember The Salty Oyster because we'll need to come back here in a bit. Continue to the next area where you'll have another large fight. You can find Medical Kits in a tear if you go up the first set of steps and look below the small arch over the steps –
In a room to the left is a 3-Pick Safe and inside that thru another door is a Voxophone [[WHISPERS THRU THE WALL]].
After the large fight go up across the room and open the lock to the next area. You'll fight more enemies here. To the left here is the "Founder's Books" store
Go in there and pick up the [[NEW GEAR]]… go downstairs here and kill the rest of the enemies and pick up the Voxophone [[SALLY]]. Now you need to get back to "The Salty Oyster" and you'll find the button under the register –
The room which opens has the last Vigor of the game [[RETURN TO SENDER]] and an [[INFUSION]] –
There's also a Voxophone to the left here [[ONE AND THE SAME]] and a [[LOCKPICKING KIT]]. Now go back all the way and continue thru the Turnstile. Go to the elevator in the end here and return to the first desk to the left of the room to find the code and you'll get another surprise here…

Go into the elevator and hit the button to go up…

Downtown Emporia

Objective: Go to Comstock House
Jump onto the Skyline once you are out and kill all of the bad guys…. easily said…..
After the fight jump near the statue in the middle –
There's a [[NEW GEAR]] in front of it. Grab onto the skyline and jump to the area to the left and you'll come to a gate which Elizabeth opens and you'll also come to a map of the area –
This is an important map and can be found everywhere inside the city here. Go thru the next area and keep going till you come out. You'll come across some snipers who are pinning you down. If you don't have a sniper yourself then put on Return To Sender shield and just a few feet ahead beside the Emporia Towers hoarding you can find a Sniper in a Tear. Go to the left here and ask Elizabeth to open the lock. Inside you'll find a [[LOCKPICKING KIT]] on the ground in a corner. Go down the steps here below the bridge to find another [[LOCKPICK]] –
Move ahead and in a broke building, you can go in –
All the way inside you'll find a Voxophone [[BEYOND REDEMPTION]] –
Go back outside and you'll come to another door to the left which has a 3-Pick lock –
Inside you'll come across a [[NEW GEAR]]. Go ahead and over the steps and under the small "Downtown Emporia" arch and walk ahead. To the right ahead are some shops –
Here you'll have another fight. There's a Gun Automaton on top of the bridge here. And If you walk up the steps  which lead to the bridge to the right is a 3-Pick door –
Inside is another [[NEW GEAR]] and a Voxophone [[THE TRUE COLOR OF MY SKIN]]. Keep going ahead and if you look into one of the maps, you should be near Victory Square which has a large busted statue of Comstock –
Z.H Comstock Victory Square
The Comstock House is straight ahead. Go up to the door and you'll see that you need Lady Comstock who has been long dead to get inside the door… Elizabeth has a plan though. So move right from the Comstock House and go under the arch which says "Memorial Gardens" –
Objective: Find the Crypt of Lady Comstock
On you way, you'll come to an open building to the left with a 3-Pick SAFE. Continue ahead and you'll come to the "Memorial Gardens" to the right –
Before you go into the memorial let's scout ahead… Go on the path between the Memorial Entrance and Fink's Magical Melodies building –
You'll come to the Market Place where you can see the Lutece Lab which isn't open yet. You'll also come across a locked door, ask Elizabeth to open it and you'll find [[NEW GEAR]] inside.
Go back towards the Memorial Gardens and before you go in let's just pick up one last [[LOCPICK]] which you'll find as you go past the memorial gardens entrance and towards the small "Memorial Gardens" arch which leads back to Comstock House. To the right of this arch is a Vending machine –
To the left of the machine beside some boxes is a [[LOCKPICK]] –

Memorial Gardens
Go inside the Memorial Gardens and before you go in, stack up on ammo because it's going to be a fantastic fight. Go to the main grave of the Lady and you'll see a lock in a tear. Open the lock and go inside the Grave of the lady and the next minute is my favorite part of the entire game –
The one wish I had was to see a ghost in the game and I finally see it… 😀
Objective: Defeat the Ghost of Lady Comstock
This is going to be one HELL of a fight. Lady Comstock keeps rising up the dead and she will continue doing that till she is killed. So the dead are nearly endless here (I think!!!)….
You will have to keep hurting her if you want to get out of this fight soon… Use your most powerful weapons and also your CHARGE power on the Lady.. get in close and punch her lights out. Also use charge to get close to the other dead and then melee them after to kill them and loot them constantly for supplies or you'll not finish this fight. Elizabeth does help a lot by giving you supplies occasionally. This can be a very very long fight if you are not careful… Do not use your ammo on the dead on Lady Comstock.. use your ammo…
After the fight you'll meet the Lutece's again…
Now you'll see Lady Comstock's footsteps… Go back and exit the graveyard and the Luteces meet you here for another piece of advice –
Objective: Find the Three Tears
First head right into the market place where you'll have a nice fight and you'll come to the Lutece Labs to the left from the middle which is being guarded –
Kill everyone and open the door. You'll get a [[LOCKPICK]] on the ground here-
If you go up the stairs, you'll find a Voxophone beside the bed [[A THEORY ON OUR "DEATH"]] and an [[INFUSION]] on the table. Go back down and get close to the Tear here and hit F to ask Elizabeth to open it… There's another Voxophone to the left here [[ON THE ENTROPY OF GENES]].
Objective: Find the next Tear
Go back outside and follow the footsteps of the lady leading from the Market District to the Financial District -00481886

The Bank of the Prophet

Go down the steps and right from below into a broke room where you can pick up a [[LOCKSMITH BAG]] and a 3-Pick SAFE. You will also find a [[CODE BOOK]] here on top of the boxes –
Go back outside and thru the gate leading into the district. Go inside the door leading into the Bank and you'll come to an elevator. Hit the button to go up top…

The Bank of the Prophet Main Hall

Objective: Find the Next Tear
Step into the hall ahead and you'll have a small fight. After the fight, notice that there are two rooms – one on each side of the Hall below. Go into the left one to find a SAFE and the right side one has a [[LOCKPICK]] just beside the register.
At the end of the hall is a large safe door which does not open but go into the room to the left and pick up the [[LOCKSMITH BAG]] which is on the table –
Further you will find a large painting –
Below the painting is a dead guy with a [[NEW GEAR]] beside him. If you move in further, you'll come to the Vox Code for which we already have the code book –
You can also pick up a [[LOCKPICKING KIT]] on the desk nearby. Then enter the code into the type writer and a secret door to the right opens up. You'll find an [[INFUSION]] a [[LOCKSMITH BAG]] and a Voxophone [[THE IMAGINATION OF GOD]].
Go back all the way out (use your mission pointer N) and into the room to the right of the large safe door. You'll cross a couple of room and then be ambushed in one of the rooms. Here, you can find the [[LOCKPICKING KIT]] on a table to the right. Kill everyone and move ahead you'll come to the tear soon. But in the room just before the room with the tear, to the right you'll come to a [[LOCKSMITH BAG]] and a [[NEW GEAR]] –
Go into the room with the tear and in the room to the left from the tear (go behind the tear and walk left) and you can find a SAFE and a Voxophone [[NO LONGER]] –
Now, open up the tear and after it closes, pick up the Voxophone which just appeared behind it [[A BROKEN CIRCLE]] –
A large clock door opens behind where the tear was, go thru it and keep fighting the enemies and head back outside the bank, but you'll need to kill Lady Comstock first before you head out…. Stubborn b****
Objective: Find the Last Tear
Once you come out of the bank, walk left and exit here from under the arch and just as you come out, you'll see the Wilson Bros. & Company Bottling Works shop –
It has a 3-Pick Lock and you can find a Silver Eagle Bag and an Infusion. Now leads head to the last tear. I saved this one for last so that we did not have to work too hard just before entering Comstock House. As you head back, I'm sure you have noticed Fink's Magical Melodies house. The entrance is behind the house so just enter there –
You can pick up a Voxophone inside [[OUT OF THE THIN AIR]] and a [[LOCKSMITH BAG]]. Now we need to go to the Photography Shop to find the last tear it's actually the first building in this entire area. You can use the mission pointer N to go there.
You can see the tear as soon as you enter the shop. In the adjacent room is a [[LOCKSMITH BAG]] –
Open the Tear…
Objective: Return to The Comstock House Gate
Do as the objective tell you to…
You'll have a large fight against Lady Comstock here…
You should have Vampiric Gear put on so that when you kill an enemy with melee strikes, you gain health. You ought to combine that with Charge – all kills with charge count as melee hits. Just get close to a target and keep melee hitting and you'll get health like this. To get Lady Comstock you'll need to use powerful weapons or you will fight for a long time. Occasionally you ought to also melee kill the dead she rises so that your health does not drop too much.
Rest Assured, you have a long fight ahead of you –
After you defeat her, the door to Comstock House opens up…

Cont on Page 5.

Cont On Pg.4
Downtown Emporia
–Memorial Gardens
The Bank of the Prophet

Finkton Docks

Watch the long cutscene and you'll be thrown down…
Objective: Find Elizabeth
To the left ahead is the Delivery Center's door. Go in there to get the Voxophone [[GOD'S BLUEPRINT]]. Go back outside and move ahead and climb the steps. Inside, you will find [[LOCKPICK]] –
Move across the Gondola's here using the platforms and when you get to the left side, move left to the end and if you look near the pipes here you can get another [[LOCKPICK]] –
Go inside the Employee's Only room and you can pick up some [[NEW GEAR]] inside here. Keep going thru and you'll come out to a large building named "PIER". Go into this building. You'll come across Elizabeth.
Objective: Pursue Elizabeth
Run after Elizabeth till she gets held in the end.
Objective: Rescue Elizabeth
In the room where Elizabeth gets captured, look to the left and you will find the Voxophone [[SHAME OF MY SERVICE]]. Move to the right and move thru the door. Keep going ahead in this next area and after some moving around, you'll see Elizabeth being held inside a room by some enemies. A fight starts soon and you should use the Sky-Line to move around to your advantage. After you kill everyone, land in the building where Elizabeth is being held and open the door. But before you open her door, look in the cell's across here room to grab an Infusion
Open her door and grab onto the Skyline she is on and follow her. Land at the end and you'll run into some trouble and now Elizabeth decides to get back with you.
Objective: Go to Finkton and Find the Gunsmith
Go inside the Gondola to the left first and you can open the lock here to find a Silver Bar and a [[NEW GEAR]].

Go back outside and inside the Induction Building.

Finkton Proper

Before you continue, look behind the steps here in the beginning to get a Lockpick –
Move into the next room….
Objective: Find a Way into Finkton
If you go into the room in the center, you will find a Voxophone –  [[A PRODUCT LIKE ANY OTHER]] and also a lockpick on the ground beside a table –
You will also come across 5-Pick locked door to the left side. To get to the next area, go below down the steps and ask Elizabeth to open the door ahead. In this area, you'll need to fight a Patriot and some enemies. You can find a lockpick below one of the small tables here –
And on another table to the right you can find a – [[LOCKPICK]]. Near the service elevator leading to Finkton, you can pick up a Voxophone [[SEED OF A LIE]]. Go back the the main room and look inside the trash can beside a table to get a [[LOCKPICK]] –
In one of the adjacent rooms you'll find a 1-Pick [[SAFE]]. If you have enough picks you can also go back up to the 5-Pick door and inside you'll get an – [[INFUSION]] and more importantly a [[VOLLEY GUN]]. Go back down and use the elevator to get to Finkton. Answer the phone inside the Elevator and proceed to Finkton…
Just after the lift stops, you'll come across Fink's assistant who has a few gifts for you on a desk. There's a [[LOCKPICK]] along with a [[HAND CANNON]] and salt here.
Objective: Find the Gunsmith Chen Lin
Go into the next place. As you enter, go to the right and and right and you'll come to some boxes behind which you can find a [[LOCKPICKING KIT]] –
There's a room which can be opened here. with one Pick in which you can find a Cipher –
We'll get the code book soon so just remember this place so that we can come back here later. You can also find a [[LOCKPICK]] on the table here –
Go back outside and explore all of the areas. You should be able to see three main places here. Shantytown (which is not open yet).. Past Shantytown if you go to the right you can find a Voxophone [[THE INVISIBLE COLOR]]. You will also come across the Good Time theater – which is also closed now. Past it if you go to the right you can find a lockpick on a table –
You will also find a Factory Entrance – where Elizabeth tells you that you'll need a Battering Ram to get thru. If you use your N to point towards your objective, you'll come to Chen Lin's shop.
Inside the shop you can pick up a Voxophone [[WE'VE NEED OF A SHEPARD]]. You can also pick up a [[LOCKPICK]] here –
Enter the Gunsmith's Shop here.
The Gunsmith's Shop
Objective: Find the Gunsmith Chen Lin
Go up the stairs to the top level where you can pick up a [[LOCKPICK]] on a table –
Go back one level down when you hear the cries and then talk to Ms.Lin here –
Objective: Go to the Good Time Club and Rescue Chen Lin
go back outside..
The Plaza of Zeal

You'll now come across a Handyman – keep using your Shock Jockey and any powerful weapon and try to stay far from him. He is tough so expect a big fight After you kill him, pick up the [[NEW GEAR] he throws and also loot him. Now use the mission marker to get to the Good Time Club.

The Good Time Club

Go up the steps here and into the next area which is a large hall and is soon going to be filled with enemies – seems like Fink does not want us to go away. There are tears here which will give Medical Kits, a Volley Gun and an RPG. Soon Fink sends three waves of his lackeys. So just stay behind over and start killing them as they get into your crosshair. You will fight several enemies here including a Patriot in the end. Use the rip to open Medkits and use them if you get low.
On the top – from where you begin, you should make your stand from here and after you are done, go left and you'll come to a room which has a Sniper Rifle, some [[NEW GEAR]] and a 3-Pick [[SAFE]]. After that, go downstairs. In the center of the area to the left (opposite to the stage).. you'll come to two rooms and a Vigor Vending Machine. These are the bathrooms. In one of the bathrooms (maybe the left?) you'll come across a [[LOCKPICK]] on the ground –
Go back out and climb the stage and go thru the door to the right which is on the stage and into the make-up room where you can find a Voxophone – [[CHANGING MY TUNE]], then go thru the next door. The next room has a couple of guards. On a chalk board ahead you'll see that Chen Lin is in Room 9. If you chose not to kill Slate the last time, then he's in cell 6.
Objective: Find Chen Lin's Cell
The next room is the Disposal room –
On the right here where you see "Chen Lin Gunsmith Machinist" boards to the right of the furnace, you can grab the [[CODE BOOK]] to the cipher we saw in the previous area –
We'll go to the Cipher in a bit, but for now let's head on inside. Past the projector room (actually take your time to see what's running on the screen). In the next area you can pick up a Voxophone [[HIS DESIGN FOR CRUELTY]]. Then you'll come to the cells. If you did not kill Slate the last time, go into cell 6 and you can just shoot him now or leave him like the living-dead. You will also come to a 5-Pick cell ahead which has [[NEW GEAR]]. Then go thru Cell 9 and down the stairs all the way. On a table with shackles you can find a [[LOCKPICK]] –
Go into the last room and hit the button here to light up the room and you'll see what happened to Chen Lin. You'll meet the Strange Couple again and now you can confirm it that they are not normal humans as they disappear after talking to you.
Objective: Open The Tear
Before you actually open the Tear, I forgot to mention a few things so let's go back and also get the Cipher cracked. Don't open the tear yet but just head back and in the cells area to the other end are some shackles on the ground where you can pick up a [[LOCKPICK]] –
There's another room we missed which has some Carbine Rifles and a [[LOCKPICK]]
Go back to the main hall where you had the big fight near the stage and there's another room here to the right opposite from the stage where you'll find an [[INFUSION]] –
And also a [[LOCKPICK]] below one of the tables –
Now, go back all the way outside to the Cipher and Elizabeth Cracks it. Interact with the clock to the right and it opens to show a reward – [[INFUSION]] ,[[LOCKSMITH BAG]], and a Voxophone [[A TRUER ALLEGIANCE]].
Now go back to the Tear and open it to enter an alternate Columbia.
Objective: Return to the Gunsmith's Shop
You'll have another fight in the main stage area and also in the Plaza. After the fights go back to Chen Lin's shop and you'll see that the Statue of Buddha has been replaced by one of Comstock. Go up to the Smith and then when he seems "disoriented", go down to his wife and talk to her.
Objective: Find Shantytown's Police Impound
Go into Shantytown now (I hope you know where it is by now, just go right from Lin's shop). Inside, pull the lever and then go thru the door. Kill the enemies here and in the middle of the area between some desks, you can pick up a [[LOCKPICK]] –

Go into the Departing area and hit the Button.


Objective: Find ShantyTown's Police Impound
After you the lift stops, head outside to see Brother Love giving a speech. To he's left is a small place with the placard "My Family is Starving. We Need Food!"
In here beside the mattreses on the ground, you can find a [[LOCKPICK]] –
Go ahead and some thugs attack you to the left and after you kill them, pick up the [[INFUSION]] –
To the left of the area is "The Graveyard Shift" Bar and to the right inside is a door leading to the basement. In here you can find a guitar –
Play the Guitar and Elizabeth sings a song and then to the right on one of the barrels is a [[KEY]] –
And also there's a Voxophone nearby [[FANNING A FLAME]] –
There's also a [[LOCKSMITH's BAG]] round the corner in the end –
Go back out the Bar and to the right of the steps which you came down to come to the bar, is a drain, go there and you'll find a [[LOCKPICK]] –
Go up and move ahead and you'll see Food Sacks in a Tear. Ask Elizabeth to open the tear and some people gather around to get food. Go thru to the next area and you'll come to the Police Lines.
The Bull Yard
After you enter the Bull Yard you can see a [[NEW GEAR]] to the right –
Objective: Destroy the Defence Turrets
Prepare for another major battle on the skylines. Make sure you keep moving on the Skylines and take down enemies from here – try to spend as much time as you possible can on the Skylines and if you have a powerful gun then one of the lines will take you directly under the Defence Turrets –
You can bust it up nice from this angle – especially if you have something like a Volley Gun or RPG.
Objective: Search for Chen Lin's Confiscated Tools
You will also fight a Patriot and more enemies in a bit and after you kill all of them, One of the skylines leads you thru a place where you can see a Bear Trap –

Jump down here and take the Voxophone [[TRAPPED]]. Then use the lines again to jump infornt of the door to the Columbia Authority which leads into the Impound, Ask Elizabeth to open the door and go in…

The Bull House Impound

Go ahead and in a room to the left you'll get a [[LOCKPICK]] –
Thru the next door you'll come into a larger area where you'll fight some enemies and a Patriot. If you need Medical Kit's during the fight, you can find them in a Tear on the first floor here. Up the stairs you will also come across a room which is to the left of the medical kits where you can find a 5-Pick door. You'll get [[NEW GEAR]] and [[INFUSION]] inside.
In the next room to the end here is a Voxophone [[THAT GODDAMN KEY]]. To the left of the Voxophone is a Chest which gives you an [[INFUSION]]. There's also a [[LOCKPICK]] on the ground near the table where you find the Hand Cannon – to the left of the room.
Go back out the room and into the next room which is the "Locker Room". You'll find another [[LOCKPICK]] on a table here. Now go back downstairs and across  the room where the fight began are a set of stairs which lead further down. Go down and you'll come to Chen's Tools. Go down all the way and you'll find some cell's opposite to the large machines. In the first cell to the right is a [[LOCKPICK]]. Then you'll see a tear where the tools were.
Objective: Open the Tear
Open the Tear when you are ready…
Objective: Return to the Gunsmith's Shop
Go back up the steps here after you go thru the tear and you'll come to a Voxophone [[KINDLING]]. Keep going up the next set of stairs into the main hall and into the room on the left end of the hall where you'll find a [[LOKCPICKING KIT]] and a Voxophone [[TERMINATED]].
The Bull Yard
Now go back out to the Bull Yard and make your way back and you'll come across a Poster of you… Strange what's happening!!!
As you pass the poster thru the small area with the asbestos sheets you can pick up a [[LOKCPICK]] to the right –
After you come up go towards The Graveyard Shift Bar. Here you can see some people posing on a Handyman. Below the Handyman is a Voxophone [[THAT ETERNAL SHORE]]. Inside The Graveyard Shift you can pick up another Voxophone [[DRAWING DEAD]]. Go to the elevator which will take you out of The Bull Yard.
Finkton Proper
Go back outside and on your way, look into the small room in the middle to find a new Vigor [[CHARGE]] –
Go thru this area towards Finkton Proper and pull the lever in the end to make the boxes move away and now you can go into Finkton. If you look on top, there are hooks here which weren't there before. Grab onto the hook which is in front of Chen Lin's shop and jump on top of the shop to find [[NEW GEAR]] –
Go into the shop and you'll get another Voxophone in the shelf [[ALL DEBTS PAID]]. Then investigate Lin's Body.
Objective: Go to the Factory and Reclaim the First Lady Airship
Now go to the Factory gate and with the help of some Vox it opens up. Go thru and you'll come out in front of the Factory where a large fight ensues. You are on the Vox's side for now so take out Fink's men and machines. After the whole area is cleared to head inside the Factory you'll need to take out a Zeppelin.
Objective: Take out the Zeppelin
Go to the right of the factory and jump onto the Sky-Lines and then as you move you'll come to this place –
Jump onto that area (It seems Elizabeth is already waiting for you there…)
Head into the Zeppelin from there and kill the Patriot inside and the other enemies. Go to the engine in the middle and hit F to take it down –
Objective: Go to the Factory and reclaim the First Lady Airship
Move to the left of the engine you just sabotaged and look down and you should spot a Sky-Line –

Go back near the Factory's entrance and thru the now opened gates and up the stairs and then into the Factory…

The Factory

Objective: Reclaim the First Lady Airship
Go into the next area which you'll have a fight and you can find a [[LOCKPICK KIT]] near a podium –
The Vox here have funny costumes !!!
Go thru the next door and in the end you'll come to an elevator and to it's right is a [[NEW GEAR]]. Go into the elevator and hit the button. When the bell rings, answer the call…
It would seem that Fitzroy is against you now so you'll also have to kill all of her men. In the adjacent room here is a Voxophone [[A CHILD NEEDS A PROTECTOR]] (on top of the voxophone is the drawing of Song Bird)…
Just infront of the gate to the next place is a new Vigor [[UNDERTOW]] –
Thru the next door is the main area of the factory –
Go up the stairs straight and you'll see Fitzroy shoot Fink. Then a huge huge fight starts. Keep moving on the skyline and a Handyman also joins in the fight here and he is one tough enemy…
Use the Vending machine below if you need Medical kits or Supplies and keep moving around a lot. After the fight go back up the stairs to where Daisy was.
Objective: Boost Elizabeth into the Vent
Just hit F to Boost up Elizabeth and she goes thru a Vent…
Objective: Distract Daisy
Go to the window and hit F to Distract Daisy and see what happens…
Go inside and in the rooms to the left and right here you can find the dead body of Fink and a Voxophone [[APOLOGY]] and also an [[INFUSION]]. Now go into the Airship at the end and Knock on the Door as you see Elizabeth lock herself inside.
Objective: Set a Course
Go to the console and set a course and Elizabeth comes out with a new look and in a bit her friend joins in too…

Cont on Page 4…

Continued on Page 3…
Finkton Docks
Finkton Proper
The Good Time Club
The Bull House Impound
The Factory

Battleship Bay

Objective: Find Elizabeth
You can look around the whole beach if you want to and spend some time here. This place is definitely worth going around as it has many things and many characters with good lines to say so spend your time in this beautiful place.
You can find Elizabeth if you go to where you can hear the music from, it's this pier in the Dancing at Dusk gig –
Get close to her and hit F to get her attention.
Objective: Take Elizabeth to the First Lady Airstrip
After that, follow her and head into the building to the right which was previously being blocked by some photo shoot. Go through this area and you'll come out to meet the strange couple again. You'll need to get close to Elizabeth and get her attention again – choose between the Cage and the Bird when you have to – Elizabeth wears it around her neck –
Move ahead and head into the last building to the right where a police check is commencing. Go right from there as you ae certainly not getting thru there. Ask Elizabeth to open the lock. Go in and go up the stairs past the cleaning guy and once you are on top, check the adjacent rooms to get [[NEW GEAR]] –
And also a Voxophone – [[HEAVEN]]. Go ahead into the left room at the end of the corridor and you'll come across the couple you saved (if you made the right choice) in the early missions. They have a [[NEW GEAR]] to gift you –
Go thru the next and you'll come into a large gaming hall. After you look around head up the stairs to the right and you'll come to a strange woman who mistakes Elizabeth for someone else near a turnstile. After that move ahead and into the next room which looks like a place full of shady characters. Go to the ticket seller in the end and ring the bell,, you'll then come up with two choices – either go ahead and Draw your Weapon or just Demand Tickets (which will get you stabbed in the hand). Just kill everyone after that and go to the next place.
Objective: Pursue Elizabeth
In the room which has the Columbia Authority Crest ahead to the right I think –
You'll come across a Voxophone – [[TAKE HER ALIVE]]. Also if you move ahead and go left you'll come behind the counter where the ticket seller was and you'll find an [[INFUSION]] here –
If you go down the stairs from the end (past the exit to the next area which is to the right you'll come to the Voxophone [[THE GOLDEN PATH TO HEAVEN]]. Go back up and out the exit and go ahead to Elizabeth and pull the lever.
Objective: Take Elizabeth to the First Lady Airstrip

Move ahead and go into the building and choose to Leave the Area.

Soldier's Field

Objective: Take Elizabeth to the First Lady Airstrip
Soldier's Field Welcome Center
NOTE: From now on, you will come across various Safes which need Elizabeth's lockpicking skills and some additional lockpicks. I will give you the locations of all such safe's and lockpicks but it's up to you to remember where the safe was and how to get back to it… it'll be written here anyway so just read how you go to the safe in the first place from here to know how to get back to it.
There are a few interesting things in the welcome center here for us. First, go to the right from below the steps and to the right of the Minuteman's Authority Vending machine, you'll find a [[LOCKPICK KIT]] –
Look inside further if you want to. Then get back to the main hall and you'll see the gate to the right shutdown due to some electrical damage –
Go across the hall first to the left and you'll come to your first locked door and you will find a [[LOCKPICK]] just near the door. Ask Elizabeth to open the door and go in and you'll find a Fusion here to the left in the middle of the room –
In the last room you'll come to a [[SAFE]] –
This needs 5 lockpicks which you will get soon enough so you'll need to come back to this place. Also pick up the [[LOCKPICK]] which is on the desk here and the Voxophone – [[A PLACE IN THE WORLD]] from the open cupboard and then get back to the center room where the gate closed. Now you can go near the gate and hit F to lift it. You can lift the gate from the other side too to get back here. There's a Salt Machine ahead so remember this place if you are in need of salt a bit later. You'll then come out to Soldier's Field.
Soldier's Field
You will get a prompt on the screen saying "Stealing has Consequences" so you can understand that when you steal from someone, you'll have to fight them. The ice cream shop to the left has a Voxophone on one of the tables [[I AM HIS MIRRIOR]] –

If you go straight ahead, you'll come to the "Founder's Books" which is to the right after you go down some steps which are to the left
Go inside there and you'll find a Voxophone in the end on a desk [[VIEWING THE INFINITE]] –
Ahead you'll also come to a "Toy Soldier's" shop –
In here at the end you'll find a [[WORKING HEATER REPLICA]] –
You can steal it and kill some people as a consequence if you want to. Go back outside and to the right corner of the area ahead is a "Carousel" –
To the right of the Carousel you are going to find a [[LOCKPICK]] –
Now follow the mission pointer (by hitting N) to get to our place of Objective, which is a lever used to call the Gondola to the next area but unfortunately it's out of Juice and we need to give it some "Shock Jockey" to power it up again.
Objective: Find Shock Jockey at the Hall of Heroes
You'll find enemies as you go back so be prepared and then follow the mission pointer (hit N) and get to the entrance of "HALL OF HEROES". You can find a [[LOCKPICK]] and salts to the left as you enter –
Now you should have 5 Lockpicks – you can go back to the SAFE which was in the Welcome Center and open it.
After that go into the Hall of Heroes and hit the switch to get the elevator in the end running. After the power is cut off, Investigate the Fuse Box and Elizabeth shows you something neat and also you get a glimpse of what is to come later rather than sooner –
You'll then come inside the Hall of Heroes.
Hall of Heroes
Go ahead and you will come to a locked door – with an "Employees Only" sign on it if you used the the 5 picks on the SAFE in the previous area then you will not be having anything. But you'll find one soon, just keep going and to the left of the room is a broken vending machine –
To the right of the machine is a [[LOCKPICK]] on the ground –
Go back to the locked door and open it. There's a turret inside so you'll need to destroy it and past the turret in the room there is another [[SAFE]] and some [[NEW GEAR]].
NOTE: You can save all the Gear you come across and access them using the menu which you get by hitting (O). So even during a fight, if you want to change your gear then just go into the menu and do it.
You will also find a Voxophone behind a desk in the previous room [[NEVER SEEN THE FACE]].  Now, go back and continue on the mission pointer path and you'll come under a large arch and you will also find here a new vigor, the [[BUCKING BRONCO]] –
Go past that and you will come outside to the main area where you can see the Hall of Heroes Gondola ahead. There are enemies ahead and you can use a combination of Vigors on them like the Bronco and place a Devil's Kiss trap where they are falling and so on. You will also fight a turret which is to the left corner ahead (to the left of the Hall of Heroes Building). Use Possession on it.
NOTE: To open the the Vigor's menu hold Q and here you can select from multiple Vigors and choose between them.
Now after you kill everyone, notice the three building here. One is the Hall of Heroes Gondola Station and the other is the Tickets building to the right of Station and the last is The Fellow Traveler to the left.
First go left to the Fellow Traveler and in the door to the right from the end of the lane. In the kitchen like place here you'll find a Voxophone – [[VOX CONTRABAND INVENTORY]] –
Further inside the bathroom is a Cipher –
Remember the location of the Cipher because you need to come back here after you find the code to it. Next, come out and head into the Ticket's building.
To the left is the "Patriot's Pride" Confectionery and also a 3-pick Locked Door –
Remember this one for later. Go up the stairs of this place and you'll get a Voxophone [[A TRUE SOLDIER]] –
Objective: Clear the Sky-Lines
Go to the Hall of Heroes Gondola Station and pull the lever here to make the Freights move away and clear the Sky-Line.
Objective: Find Shock-Jockey and "The Hall of Heroes"
Jump up onto the Skyline then to proceed to the next place. You will eventually be blocked on the skyline – look to the left and jump onto the next one –
When you reach the destination, jump down and you will look at the Hall of Heroes building ahead. After jumping down, look at the Gondola to the left and go inside it to find [[RPG LAUNCHER]] and Voxophone [[A FINAL STAND]].
After you move ahead, Elizabeth will warn you of a sniper and also throw you a Sniper Rifle. Move ahead and aim and shoot down the sniper – you can see his sights glow so you'll know where to shoot. After that, a fight ensues and so kill all the enemies here and go ahead. On your way up to the Hall, go left and look at the machine here which is linked to the closed door –

You'll need to come back here once you have the Shock Jockey so that you can open the door to the "Hall of Heroes Maintenance" building. Go ahead and enter the Hall of Heroes.

Hall of Heroes

Objective: Find the Shock Jockey at the Hall of Heroes
Now look careful at the Mechanical Patriot here. Because, he's going to start to come alive from this place onwards and you will not like him.
Go ahead and you will come to a Salt Machine to the right and a door ahead past some rubble and paths to the left and right. Go onto the left path first and use inside you will find a Voxophone [[COMRADES OF NECESSITY]].
Then look around and go thru the center door and you'll come to a statue of Comstock. There's a door here adjacent which leads into a room where you can pick up a [[LOCKPICK]] which is on the ground the the right of a broken foot of a statue –
Ahead, you will find [[INFUSION]] on the table and also a silver bar and a [[LOCKPICK]]. Go back and thru the central door which is behind Comstock's Statue.
You will come to a room which leads into three other places, The Boxer Rebellion, Battle of Wounded Knee and The First Lady. Also, Slate's men start coming at you from here so lookout for them and keep killing them.
Objective: Defeat Slate's Men
Let's head into the Boxer Rebellion first. Go in and you'll come to an "Employee's Only" room to the right, go in to find some stuff and [[NEW GEAR]]. Go back and to the other side and you'll come into the last room where the fight takes place. Take cover behind something here and kill the enemies – mind you that there are going to be a lot of them to kill too…
After you are done here, go back and head into the Battle of Wounded Knee. Here also, you will come to some steps and there's a room to the left which has [[NEW GEAR]]. Continue into the final room ahead and another battle ensues. Take cover and don't forget to keep using your Vigor Powers. Also, if you are low on health try to move around to the enemies you killed and loot them to get health or other stuff.
After here, head back and into The First Lady.
Objective: Find Slate past the First Lady's Memorial
Go inside and go past the wonderful paintings and statues and in the end, you'll come to a locked door which Elizabeth needs to pick. In a room to the left ahead you'll find a Voxophone [[UNCONDITIONAL]]. Then go past the fountain and thru the door ahead.
Keep going and you'll enter The Courtyard soon. Elizabeth passes thru the narrow bars of the gate that is blocking you and shows you the usefulness of her powers. She rips open a freight hook, hold F to ask her to bring it and then use it to go ahead and she'll rip open some other holes too. The first is on the top and it gives you access to the upper level where you'll have the advantage to fight from an elevation. Otherwise, another choice is of a turret in the center of the area below. You can't have two tears open at the same time.
So if you want to use the turret then you'll need to take cover on top of the steps. But all of this is for later. Now, jsut go ahead and thru to the next place. You'll come to the Hall of Heroes Memorial Gift Shop. Inside here you'll face your first Motorized Patriot and you'll know the wrath of a Patriot. These things are hard to kill and if you do not have the RPG then it's going to take a while.
You most definitely need to use your Vigors against this thing. Try to use as many Devil's Kiss traps as you can and also hide behind pillars and run around and shoot him in the back for extra damage. There's a turret tear which Elizabeth can open so use that too and also the salts tear.
You'll come to a locked door which Elizabeth can open with her hairpin. So go thru here and you'll come to a [[SAFE]]. In the crate nearby you will not find what you came here for so go backwards following Slate's footsteps.
Objective: Subdue Slate
Go backwards and you will come outside in the main area where you're going to have a HELL of a fight. There are tears open for you all around which have salts and shotguns and what not. Slate keeps opening rooms which brings out enemies. You will also fight a Patriot in the end here. Make sure you have good cover and the best place to fight is from on top of the stairs.
After the fight move into the left side room which Slate opened to find a Voxophone [[A SOLDIER'S DEATH]] and also an [[INFUSION]] which is hidden inside a toolkit –
You will also find a [[LOCKPICK]] here on the ground in a dark area between pillars –
Go back out and thru te other open door to the right and go up the large stair case.
Objective: Collect Shock Jockey from Slate
You'll come to Slate soon and you will have a choice to kill him or spare him after you collect the Shock Jockey –
Objective: Return to Soldier's Field and Power Up the Gondola
Go back outside all the way and when you come out of the door which brings you to the first room you entered where you can find a Salt Machine. Also you found a Voxophone here the first time you came to the lane to the left which coming from the Salk Machine – there's a dead guy hanging over the counter here –
Inside the room in the end below the desk is a [[LOCKPICK]], I'm not sure if I missed this the last time though but still, you can get it now anyway –

Go back all the way and get out of this place… never to see it again.

Return to Heroes' Plaza

Once you come back here there are enemies waiting for you. You can open up tears which bring in a "Mosquito" which is a small flying turret. After you kill everyone, remember the Maintenance room here to the right which was attached to the electric device –
Power Up the device and go inside here. You can find [[NEW GEAR]] and also [[LOCKPICK KIT]] here. You will have five picks now and you can go back and open the safe which we found in the previous place or hold on to these for a bit till we get to the 3-Pick door which was back in Soldier's Field.
Move and jump onto the Sky-Line. You'll will be blocked soon, there are enemies to the left on a platform – here you can open a tear to a Patriot which will fight for you. Kill the enemies, go up the steps and you'll come to another  Sky-Line you can use. Go ahead and you'll come back to Soldier's Field. Now if you remember the Three-Pick door in the Confectionery area then go there and ask Elizabeth to open the door. You will find [[NEW GEAR]] here.
Look around and go back out where you possible fight a Patriot. Then use a lift to come to Soldier's Field again on the top. Now the skyline above you is a circular line which means it leads nowhere but just moves you around Soldier's Field and using this you can get to different balconies on the top of buildings. This Skyline is very, very important as you are going to be in a very very nice fight really soon. Before you power up the Gondola, use the Sky-Line to look around first so you where things are. If you want to slow down on the Sky Line then hold the back button (you'll need to be slow so that you can look around properly). Spot this balcony which has a Power Conduit –
Jump there and power up the machine. Inside, on a small lamp table you will find a [[LOCKPICK]] –
Inside the room you will see a message to Fitzroy on the wall and some dead bodies along with a Voxophone on the bed [[CALLING YOU OUT]]. You will also find a [[NEW GEAR]] and another [[LOCKPICK]] on the ground –
Go back outside and jump onto the place where the lever to call the Gondola is.
Now, power up the Conduit.
Objective: Call the Gondola
Pull the lever and all hell breaks loose…
In the beginning itself, jump onto the skyline and move around. Enemies come on their own ships and they have RPGs. If you move around fast on the Sky-Line they will miss you but you still need to kill all of them to proceed. So use the Skyline and move around all the places and also keep asking Elizabeth to tear open things if you find anything useful. Otherwise use your own RPG Launcher or if you have a shotgun then jump onto the ships of the enemies and use Shock Jockey on them and shoot them down when they are unable to move.
You will fight a lot of enemies and I think this is the best fight till now. Jump from Skyline to Skyline and onto enemies and so on.. this fight has a ton of potential and use your imagination to make it better. In the end you will also fight a Patriot and then you can ride the Gondola. Against the Patriot you can use Shock Jockey to disable him for a few seconds so keep using it to your advantage…
Objective: Ride the Gondola to The First Lady Airship
On the Gondola, open the lock and you will be able to find another [[LOCKPICK]] Now you will have all the lockpicks you need to open up all the things you found thus far in the game so go back to any unopened lock and open it and get back here –
Pull the lever to get the thing moving.
Objective: Board the First Lady Airsthip
After you come up, keep going inside and use the lift to get on top and you will come inisde th ship where you can find an [[INFUSION]] on the table.

Use the controls and Elizabeth figures out your plan and you can hit F to console her and see what happens…

Cont on Page 3…

Welcome to the city of the Skies… The world of Infinite…. Bioshock: Infinite
GameZone brings you the complete guide on Bioshock Infinite so join us as we soar through the skies…

BioShock Infinite

Continued from Page 2…
Battleship Bay
Soldier's Field
Hall of Heroes
Return to Heroe's Plaza
Continued from Page 3…
Finkton Docks
Finkton Proper
The Good Time Club
The Bull House Impound
The Factory
Continued from Page 4…
Downtown Emporia
–Memorial Gardens
The Bank of the Prophet
Continued from Page 5...
Comstock House
The Hand of the Prophet
Hangar Deck, Engineering Deck, Command Deck
The Sea of Doors


The Lighthouse

1912 Coast of Maine…
The game starts off with a funny conversation and when you reach the pier look to the left and climb the ladder onto the pier as the boat you were on goes away… not knowing when it'll come back, let's move ahead now…. (There are a couple of Silver Eagles – The Currency, to the left behind the wood wall)
Go from the right ahead to the entrance and before knocking, move left to find a barrel with a couple of things in it and a Silver Eagle on the ground. You'll obviously need to keep an eye out for such barrels and other boxes which may hold useful stuff for you so keep watching.
Knock on the door and let yourself in. You'll need to get up to the top most floor here and on your way, read the placards to the right at the foot of each level of stairs and on the top most level you'll come to three bells. As shown on the card which Booker draws out, hit the first bell once and the others twice and watch the world thunder red. Go inside and sit in the Fancy Chair and after the Ascension –

Welcome  Center

Objective: Find a Way into the City

After you see the wonderful city, you land and keep reading the one liners you come across, soon you'll stop so move ahead and to the left. You'll come into the Welcome Center. You can go to the left and right and pick up Silvers and also, you'll find the first Voxophone of the game [[LOVE THE SINNER]] in the left side chamber (to the right inside the chamber). The music here is really soothing…
Go up to the guy dressed in white in the middle room and continue ahead. You'll come up to the congregation ahead, move in close and hit F to enter the circle.

Objective: Accept the Baptism to enter the City

After the Father asks you to get Cleansed move ahead and take his hand…
Open the door and you'll come to Columbia…
You can see the statues of the three founders here..
Washington – The Sword
Franklin – The Key
Jefferson – The Scroll
Each of the followers here has something to say and if you stop at each of them you can listen to the whole prayer to the Fathers. Go ahead and open the door – the view is just fantastic..
Eat anything you come across to regain the bit of lost health but don't worry too much coz we'll come to a Health Kit soon. Move ahead and hit N if you need to know which way to go. Go right from the statue of Comstock and into the Hudson's Suits Cloaks to find a Kinetoscope –  Father Comstock's Gift of Prophecy
Go back out and to the other side and keep going to the end where you'll see a some hoardings fly by and after they go the path ahead opens up. Move ahead and you'll come to a Grocery store to the right where you can find a [[HEALTH KIT]] –
Move back out and you can see another Kinetoscope – Beware, the False Shepard! When you come to the junction, go to the left towards the lady selling the flowers and move ahead into the garden and find the [[EVERYMAN, ALL AT ONCE]] Voxophone on the table to the right. Go back and continue along the path pointer by hitting N.
You can listen to the "God Only Knows" which is sung by a Quartet –
Nice Song…
Continue ahead and you'll come to the Statue of Columbia –

And you'll get a Telegram…

Objective: Go to the Monument Island and Find the Girl
Keep going and you'll come to some steps, go up and to the left you can see the Vigor demonstration – rest assured, we're going to get to that soon enough. Move ahead into the carnival area and to the right before you enter is – THE ENVY OF ALL PEERS Kinetoscope. Move into the carnival area and there are three games you can play here to win some money which is going to be useful a little later. The first is to the right –
"Cast out the Devil"
You just need to hit right click when you see the devil – he is usually hiding behind one of the three chairs ahead. Get him thrice to win the price…
A bit further to the right –
"Bring down the Skyline Vox"
You'll get a shotgun and you have three prices – make sure you get all three prices just win with different amount of points each time. To get to 20 points you'll need to shoot the Vox when they com together – while they are moving there's a point when two or three Vox on the different lines meet so this is the place you want to shoot. Otherwise just keep shooting the ones you see.
Nearby as you keep moving along –
"Hunt Down the Vox"
You should again score for first second and third places. Just shoot at the Vox –  aim steadily since you have a lit of time to do it. You should also get the Traitor girl who moves along from right to left or vice versa in the back.
Ahead to the left you'll come to the "Possession" Vigor. Take it and drink it. Now after you are done here, use Possession on the Ticket machine –
Replenish your salts with the machine which is right across the Possession stand. Go in and you'll get a Heads or Tails toss, after that, move ahead and cross the policemen showing off their new weapons –
You'll see a statue to the right ahead vibrate –
Go there and you'll find the audio log – [[FOR I AM LONELY TOO]]… and a bit further you get the reveal which we all know was coming for us –


Raffle Square

Look around for supplies and coin and after you are done, move ahead and keep going till you come to the Raffle. Talk to the woman near the raffle to pick a number and you just know who's going to win this right!!!

Anyway, you need to make a choice of whom to throw the ball at or you can just decide not to throw – all outcomes will be same and the police spot the AD mark… all hell breaks loose.
Objective: Fight Your Way to Monument Island
Well, you'll start off with the ripper in your hand so keep meleeing any police guy dumb enough to get close to you. After you kill each of them make sure you are looting their bodies for useful items.
Also another neat trick which you ought to keep doing is the execution. When you see a small skull on top of the enemy's head (it usually appears when you bring his health down a bit) you can get into execution mode if you hold the Melee button. Keep going and after you move ahead for a while, you'll get a gun and the real fun begins. Soon you'll come to two cages which were probably use to restrain the couple from earlier. To the right is a tape – [[SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEM]] and you can buy a Vigor Aid to your Possession.
Go up the platform and ahead and you can interact with the fireworks to the left to blow them up and move ahead where you'll spot a turret machine.
Just behind it to the right is salt if you need… Use Possession on the machine and watch it kill the guards. Keep going to the right and you'll come to a gate which was closed earlier. Destroy the turrt to the right first or use Possession on it and to the left of the gate is a first aid kit if you need it. Go thru and kill the cops who are shooting at you. In the end you can find salts and first aid in a cart to the left and when you get to the gates, interact to open them.
He is pretty easy if you shoot fast. Just hide behind the many may wagons to avoid his grenades and keep shooting him to get him quick. After he dies. Loot him and take the [[DEVIL'S KISS]] Vigor – 00463942
Objective: Go to Monument Island to find the girl

Use your new powers on the unfortunate police ahead – there are patches of oil on the ground (which just happen to exist conveniently for us….) which can be used to make a death trap for the enemies. Once you come to the end, go left and enter the Blue Ribbon.

Comstock Center Rooftops

Objective: Go to Monument Island to find the girl
You can find a few things behind you after you start. Straight ahead are three Kaleidoscopes so check them out and move into the next room. Here you have the ominous couple waiting for you with a Vigor it would seem…. You can find Health behind the counter here and salts on the table. Take the Shield Upgrade from the woman and move ahead.
In the next room past the lady to the left on a desk is a Voxophone [[HALF a JEW]].
Keep going ahead and you will come out to "THE HOOKS" region.
Now you will start learning how to use the freight hooks around Columbia – just look at one hook and hit Space (when the hook glows) to jump and latch onto it.
Jump down ahead to the left where you can see an enemy..
To the right below the steps are several enemies. Keep shooting and make sure you are using your powers Judiciously. Keep going ahead and killing, you can also take cover behind the large things here to avoid some fire – and the shield upgrade you just got works wonders too. You will fight some turrets too so you can choose what to do with them either shoot them or use Possession if you have some. Go to the end of this area and latch onto the hooks ahead.
Jump to the building far ahead and go inside – don't shoot here though as the civilians here are no threat. Go thru the house (you can find Health and Salts in here). You will come out again to another vending machine ahead of you and a Kinetoscope is also nearby. To the right here is the stand for the "Wild West Show" –
It has a Voxophone on it [[A NEW HUNT]]. Keep going (follow the arrow after hitting N if you are having troubles. You'll come to a large gate you can go thru.
Fraternal Order of the Raven
Move inside and go to the left side room from the statue of Comstock. Kill the enemies here and pick up the Voxophone [[THE GIFT OF THE EMANCIPATOR]] from the counter table. Anyway, look around here if you want to and then go up the steps behind the Comstock statue from the central area. Keep going and you'll reach a fraternity. Walk down the steps while preparing for a battle. You ought to set up a trap ahead of you because a lot of enemies run toward you once you go down.
After you kill everyone, walk up on the podium and pick up the [[KEY]] and [[INFUSION]].
After you pick up infusion you can choose to upgrade one of the three critical stats you have and the Key fits a lock in one of the places nearby so you are free to search if you want to – but maybe you will not find anything just yet. Move into the next area and use the elevator.
Go into the large room in the center which has a projector on. The adjacent to this one has a Vox on the table [[SYMBOLS OF OUR LADY]].
There a bookshelf to the right of the main room which you can push and it leads to another room where you'll get your first piece of gear [[URGENT CARE]]. Go back and continue and soon you'll come to a door which will show you a man being eaten by crows live.
Move ahead into the garden like area and the crow master keeps appearing behind you. You can shoot or use Devil's Kiss on him. After you kill him though, you'll get the [[MURDER OF CROWS]] vigor.
Go ahead and some guards come it on whom you can test your new Vigor. In the next room to the right as you enter is another piece of Gear – [BURNING HALO]] Go ahead and move out into the open.
Objective: Go to the Gondola Station
There's a hook ahead, use it to get to the next hook and from the second hook look down and you should see an open house –

You can go in and cause a bit of mayhem. Anyway, after that move ahead into the station and walk inside the station.

Monument Island Gateway

Objective: Find a Gondola to Monument Island
There's a Kinetoscope called "Uncanny Mystery in Columbia" to the right. Now, before you enter the next room be sure you are prepped well because it's going to be a big fight. Keep using the Murder of Crows when you see two to three enemies ahead. Remember that Murder of Crows only weakens and distracts the enemies, you still have to shoot to kill them. Or set up traps using your Devil's Kiss. There are turrets ahead so use Possession on them for some additional help. Go thru out the next door and you'll come out to the skyline –
The Skyline can be used as a means of transport and it's extremely effective and neck-breaking fun. The first time it stops, jump to the right, kill the guy and use the lever here to take out the freight from the way. There's also a Voxophone here [[ANOTHER ARK FOR ANOTHER TIME]].
Continue ahead on the skyline and the next time you stop, jump to the right onto a floating vessel where you can spot an enemy. Jump on him and use the hooks ahead to get to the next area below. Kill the three enemies here and look ahead on the top you will spot the balcony of a room. To the left of the balcony is a sky hook. Use it to get on top and jump into the balcony –
Kill the guy on the balcony and go in and take the [[KILL TO LIVE]] boots from behind the small desk –
Move out the other way and continue on the skyline.
Objective: Ascend the Building to reach the Skyline

Jump onto the building with all the police and just move thru the doors because they start praying. Use the lift inside to go up and when the building blows. Look to the right and use the Hook to board the Zeppelin. Go inside the Zeppelin and see what happens. You'll need to move back and jump out the Zeppelin and latch onto the skyline in time. After you stop moving, jump ahead and go thru the door and into Monument Island.

Monument Tower

Objective: Find the Girl
Move ahead and on top of the closed gates is a hook – use it to jump across and go into the tower. To the left as you enter in one of the lockers is a Vox – [[TIGER BY THE TAIL]]. Keep going ahead and you'll see three levers with names as Transpose No.1 2 or 3. You can pull all of them and then move on inside and in a room to the left you'll find another Vox – [[To: R. Thompson Re: Fuses]].
You can also watch a movie of the girl being recorded. The ahead you'll see another Vox on a table – [[A REWARD, DEFERRED]]. Keep going and use the elevator to go up. In the subsequent areas, you can pull levers which open up observation chambers and also if you see a specimen tracker, use it to know where the specimen is right now. You'll see something freaky and also come across the [[THE SOURCE OF HER POWER]] Vox. Then there's noting much to do except go and meet the girl.
After she open the door with the key you gave her, follow here outside.
Objective: Escape the Statue with Elizabeth
Anyway, just keep running like hell out of this place and the whole tower starts collapsing.

((open the door in the dream…)

Continued from Page 2…


Avid, excessive, convoluted, harcore, intrinsic, addicted gamer who only plays games... believe me, there cannot be a better description of me than that.... (I'd probably take that onto my gravestone)

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