Bubble Bobble Plus! Coming to WiiWare

Speaking of oldschool revivals, Famitsu has revealed that Bubble Bobble is coming to WiiWare in the simply-but-effectively named Bubble Bobble Wii.

The game holds a whopping 400 stages, including those which are a remake of the original Bubble Bobble, making this not unlike Nintendo’s Donkey Kong for Game Boy in that regard. In addition to that, there are rearranged maps and four-player co-op, all for a mere 800 Wii Points.

In addition, two optional extra map packs will be available for 200 Wii Points each.

One of the screenshots clearly says World Ranking in the menu which is enough to justify an international release for Bubble Bobble Wii. If that doesn’t suggest that Taito or in this case Square Enix is bringing it overseas check out the rating for Bubble Bobble Plus we found on the USK.

So, Bubble Bobble Plus! is coming out as a WiiWare game in the future published by Square Enix similar to Space Invaders: Get Even. — Siliconera

Me, I enjoyed the original Bubble Bobble on the NES growing up, and I’m glad to see a revival that may actually get things right. On the downside, I’m not terribly pleased with the graphics (check the Famitsu story for more images), specifically those of the little multi-colored dinosaur-dragon guys.

Before, they had a simple, happy charm to them, but this time it looks like they tried to make sprites that more accurately captured the box-art appearance of Bub and Bob, but lost something in the process.

Then again, maybe the screenshots don’t do it justice, and it looks better in motion? I guess we’ll find out sooner or later.