Checkpoint Reached Episode 2 – Mass Effect 3, Mega64’s Uncharted, Mari0 and Darth Vader

We continue our weekly show of Checkpoint Reached with some hilarious videos you probably already seen, but we'll shove down your throat again and again.

Firstly we look at the latest literal trailer from Tobuscus which is not only hilarious, but extremely catchy. You never cease to disappoint us Tobuscus!

Secondly we look at the latest exploits from Mega64's Rocco, as he dresses up as Nathan Drake and takes to the streets of a flea market to make a bunch of people feel uncomfortable. Hilarious? We think so!

Thirdly we look at's awesome creation which fuses classic Mario gameplay with a portal gun. What you get is an incredibly fun game where the possibilities are endless.

Lastly, in the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, we present Darth Vader, on a unicycle, playing bagpipes. Sure they might be Scottish, but the video is awesome!

Make sure to check back every week for more cool content, that you've definitely seen, and we'll show you again!

You can follow Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ