Dragon Age Inquisition: Hunter Multiplayer Guide

Bow, poison, traps – efficiency

The thing about being a veteran ranger is that if you’re good at your job than no one will ever know who you were.  Thornton is an experienced soldier who has fought in many wars and the fact that he still lives attests to his skills. However, the enemy that the Inquisition now faces is like nothing the Hunter has ever faced before.

Do you like the Archer? Do you wish the Archer was less focused on huge numbers that desire more utility, stealth, and poisons? Well then sir or madam, let me introduce you to the Hunter in Dragon Age Inquisition. If the Archer is your straight man than the Hunter has a lot bit of everything. This class is far more ‘Rogue’ than the Archer. More options also mean more ways to DPS than straight marksman murder.

Here are the Hunter’s abilities;


Tier 1:

Explosive Shot – 2 hits, 100% damage, 4 meters, 12 sec cooldown, 35 sta

  • -Chain Reaction – bonus per target 25%, 100%max bonus damage

Tier 2:

Elemental Mines – 50% damage, 8 sec chill, 50% damage burn per sec, 8 sec burn, 8 sec shocked, 24 sec cooldown, 50 sta

  • -Throw Everything – 1 additional mine for 5 sta

Fury of the Storm – Under 50% sta, do 10% more damage, +3 Con

Spike Trap – set trap that does 3005 damage, 16 sec cooldown, 35 sta

  • -Watch Your Step – remain stealth while setting traps, flings foes

Tier 3:

On the Razor’s Edge – 15% bonus damage to foes 10 meters form you, +3 Cun

Throatcutter – 2% damage bonus per 10% missing health, +3 Dex

Seasoned – +3 Dex, +3 Cun, +3 Con

Tier 4:

Set Them Up – traps do 25% more damage, +3 Willpower

Cripple – attacks from behind reduce speed by 50%, 3 secs duration, +3 Dex

Sadism – 10% sta restored for every 10% HP lost, +3 Con

Tier 5:

Death from Above – If 2 meters higher than foes, deal 25% more damage, +3 Cun

Strafing Shots – 100% speed while strafing, +3 Dex

Pincushion – 5% more damage per shot, 10 sec bonus damage, +3 Dex

Tier 6:

Cheap Shot – Crits sunder for 6 secs, +3 Cun

Throwing Blades – sunders, 4 hits, 100% per hit, 8 sec duration, 12 sec cooldown, 50 sta

  • -Precision Targeting – 25% more damage to same target, stacks

Fighting Dirty – sunder and poison lasts 25% longer, +3 Dex

Toxic Cloud – poison in 3 meters for 8 secs, 15% damage, 32 sec cooldown, 50 sta

  • -Contact Poison – -5 sec cooldown, 25% damage per sec for 8 secs

Explosive Toxin – kills end in poison for 8 secs, 3 meters, 50% weapon damage per sec, +3 Dex


Tier 1:

Fallback Plan – place lantern to travel back to, 15 sec duration, 32 sec cooldown, 35 sta

  • -Bait and Switch – 5 more seconds

Tier 2:

Leaping Shot – 12 projectiles, 50% damage, 12 secs cooldown, 35 sta

  • -Rolling Draw – 200% damage

First Blood – 15% bonus damage, to foes over 80% HP, +3 Dex

Evade – leap away, 2 sec cooldown, 20 sta

  • -Hidden Step – leave clone, 3 sec duration, 300% damage

Tier 3:

Gaps in the Armor – 25% Armor Penetration, +3 Dex

Second Wind – Under 50% stamina your stamina regens 50% faster, +3 Dex

Bloodied Prey – 10% damage bonus to foes with less HP than you, +3 Cun

Tier 4:

Disable – crits reduce foe damage by 15% for 10 secs, stacks, +3 Dex

Knockout Powder – 10 secs of sleep, 6 meters, 20 sec cooldown, 35 sta

  • -Deep Sleep – 10 sec duration boost, damaged foes wake up in 3 secs

Tricks of the Trade – party wide 10% bonus damage and 10% duration bonus, +3 Willpower

Stealth – 50% damage bonus, lasts 30 secs, 24 sec cooldown, 20 sta

  • -Lost in the Shadows – entering Stealth is instant

Knife in the Shadows – attacks from stealth auto crit, +3 Dex

Tier 5:

Hook and Tackle – grapple to target, 12 sec cooldown, 20 sta

  • -It beats Walking – no stamina and no cooldown time

Evasion – 5% dodge, +3 Dex

Full Draw – 800% damage, 800% when foe has full HP, 24 sec cooldown, 65 Sta

  • -Stunning Shot – target is put to sleep for 20 secs

Tier 6:

Easy to Miss – 25% threat reduction, 100% is from behind, +3 Cun

DAI Hunter Tree

While I’m personally a bigger fan of the Trapping tree, my builds usually involve a fair amount of hybridism. While I love the Full Draw ability on the Archer, I play my Hunter as more of a run and gunner.  On the Razor’s Edge and Strafing Shots has you play a close game instead of DPSing from afar as possible.  Due to this, having actives that maximize your proximity from foes is ideal.

This is purely preference, but I love Stealth. As a ranged but close class, Stealth can save your arse at the push of a button. For spike damage you can take Knife in the Shadows. I’m also a fan of poison. Toxic Cloud is hit or miss but Explosive Toxin is great. If you’re picking off weaker targets like enemy archers or demon spirits, you can quickly fill entire areas with poison clouds. If you don’t take Stealth I’d take Leaping Shot for some extra damage and a solid getaway. It’s just not quite as solid as Stealth. While Spike Trap is alluring for Stealth gameplay, I feel it takes you away from the bread and butter of the Hunter.

Find the four abilities that suit your Hunter playstyle and them back them up with passives. While the Hunter isn’t like 100% damaging passives like the Archer, he has some great tricks of his own depending on which way you spec. If you go the poison or sundering route you’re definitely going to want dirty fighting. Both poison and sunders will help your entire party if you’re looking to NOT be a one man show. Best of luck. Apply poison, line up your shots, and hunt your prey.