Sony has revealed today that the Dual Shock 3 is identical to the Dual Shock 2 in terms of rumble functionality. According to Sony’s Kimberly Otzman, the rumble will be exactly the same in both controllers with no difference in technology. “The rumble feature on the Dual Shock 3 is the same as Dual Shock 2.”, stated Otzman.
Otzman also revealed that the rumble won’t have a great strain on the battery life of the controller. Sony has worked on the problem and expects the controller to last up to 15hrs with rumble enabled and 30hrs without rumble.
“The battery life depends on how often the rumble feature is used.” She added, “When the rumble feature is completely turned off, its equivalent with the Sixaxis and when the rumble feature is active it’s about 15 hours, under SCE standard testing conditions.”, stated Otzman.