Take Two Interactive has issued the first screenshots and information pertaining to their previously announced PSP title, Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony.
The forthcoming PSP RPg features an all new assortment of playable characters to coincide with a new, non-linear single player story line with two distinct modes.
Dungeon Siege’s two single player modes, Mercenary and Elite, will each incorporate over fifteen hours of unique gameplay experiences, as gamers can choose from four, unique, fully customizable characters.
Each of the game’s heroes can become one of eight basic classes, and eventually evolve into 16 additional, enhanced Legendary Classes. Along their journey, the heroes of Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony will encounter over 16 varying types of pets and companions to support them, with each allies power uniquely suited to a particular aspect of the main quest.
A diverse allotment of monsters, including some from previous games in the series, will be included into the PSP offering, as the game is set to pack in well over a hundred enemies with an equal array of magical spells and abilities to combat them.
Currenlty in development by Supervillian Studios, this upcoming PSP title is slated to release in October of 2006 and also include local, Ad Hoc multiplayer support.
For wireless play, gamers can join up with three of their friends and progress through the game as a well prepared band of warriors or rather engage in a competitively oriented Battle Arena.
With the game playable on the show floor of E3 expect hands on impressions of it up in the coming days.