Our bodies are ready! Is yours?
That opening line is kind of funny now that I think about it, considering we're live in Los Angeles for E3 2014, yet Nintendo chooses to broadcast its E3 presentation instead of a press conference. Whatever, I'm sure it'll be fine. E3 is all about celebrating the future of games. But it's also a lot of work, especially for those of us on the show floor.
To give you a better idea of what I'm talking about, I decided to put together a little video series, logging my adventures in L.A. for E3. You know, so you can see what it's like to be a "journalist" at E3. From behind-the-scenes looks at our living situation for the week to our analysis of all the latest news and announcements to our hands-on previews of the games, GameZone is giving your body all it can handle.
Look out for new video entries throughout the week. It'll include first impressions and hopefully things that are more fun to look at then my ugly mug. I promise, I'll show as little of me as possible.
Log #2: Microsoft Press Conference Impressions