E3: Dual Screen Revealed

The Nintendo Dual Screen has been revealed. It looks like it will be called the Dual Screen, and it’s great.

The touch screen has been confirmed. It works with a stylus too.

The DS is also backwards compatible with the Game Boy Advance by using two card slots, (and is therefore backwards compatible with the Game Boy Color and Game Boy.)

Also, the Nintendo DS has two types of wireless. Wi-Fi, for internet based play, and local for multiplayer gaming. It also has the ability to automatically detect connections too. “It’s beyond online, it’s no line,” said NOA’s George Harrison.

Plus, you will be able to control the Nintendo Dual Screen by voice!

The following titles were confirmed/shown. We will have media as soon as possible.

• Animal Crossing DS
• Mario Kart DS
• Metroid Prime: Hunters
• NEW Super Mario Brothers
• PictoChat
• Super Mario 64X4
• Wario Ware, Inc. DS
• The Legend of Zelda