E3: Pac-Pix

Pac-Pix to be blunt is a very simple and unique game. The developers obviously wanted to show off the abilites of the touchpad with this game. The game plays exactly like Pacman but with a huge twist. At the beginning of the game you draw Pac-man using the touch pad and once drawn the ghost appear and you control the direction of Pac-man by drawing lines in the direction you want to go. Wanna go down? Simple draw downward on the touchpad with the stylus and Pac-man will move down.

I am not 100% clear if this is a working title or whether this is a demo to show off a game or more definitive, a Pac-man game, but with more development it will become a great single player game and with the abilities of Wi-Fi, I’m hoping they will take a Pac-man Vs. route and allow three players to play at the ghost in the same form by drawing them and controlling them with the touchpad.

Hopefully more about Pac-Pix will be revealed soon.