Scattered throughout the wasteland in Fallout 4 are Vault Boy Bobbleheads. There are a total of 20 of them located in The Commonwealth, and finding them grants a permanent perk. Each of the 20 Bobbleheads have a different perk effect; seven will improve a specific SPECIAL skill by one rank, while the remaining 13 will improve individual skills.
As I mentioned, the Bobbleheads are scattered throughout the wasteland. Below you can find each location and perk effect they have on your character.
Bobblehead | Effect | Location Name | Location Description |
Agility | Agility +1 | Wreck of the FMS Northern Star | On the edge of the bow of the ship, located on a rickety wooden platform past the deck huts |
Barter | Prices are 5% better | Longneck Lukowski's Cannery | Go to the assembly room and follow the catwalks up and around. The bobblehead is located inside the metal catwalk hut of the main cannary room. |
Big Guns | +25% critical damage with heavy weapons | Vault 95 | Down in the living quarters (northern most room), located on the radio between two couches |
Charisma | Charisma +1 | Parsons State Insane Asylum (level 10 required to enter) | Jack Cabot quest chain must be started | Follow Cabot to his office in the Asylum and you'll find the Bobblehead on his desk. |
Endurance | Endurance +1 | Poseidon Energy | Inside the central chamber, you'll find the bobblehead on the metal desk near the steam trunk in the central metal catwalk hut. |
Energy Weapons | +25% critical damage with energy weapons | Fort Hagen | Located in the kitchen area of the Command Center section of Fort Hagen. It's sitting between two refridgerators on a small table. |
Explosive | +15% dmaage with explosives | Saugus Ironworks | Located in the Blast Furnace area (use the destroyed catwalks to reach), the bobblehead can be found on the tall computer attached to the steamer. |
Intelligence | Intelligence +1 | Boston Public Library | In the northwest corner of hte Library, reach the mechanical room on the second floor. The Bobblehead is on the computer bank. |
Lockpicking | Lockpicking is made easier | Pickman Gallery | Head to the lowest levels of the Gallery and you'll find Pickman being held up by raiders. The bobblehead is located on the ground between the brick pillars near a flaming trashcan in the center of the room. |
Luck | Luck +1 | Spectacle Island | Located on a green tugboat in the southern part of the island, you'll find the bobblehead in a locker next to the steamer trunk. |
Medicine | Stimpacks heal 10% more damage | Vault 81 | Take the elevator down to Curie's office. The bobblehead is on a desk. |
Melee | +25% cirtical damage with melee weapons | Trinity Tower | Inside the cage where Rex and Strong are being held at the very top of Trinity Tower. You'll need to take elevators up to reach the top floor. |
Perception | Perception +1 | Museeum of Freedom | Located on a metal desk in the chamber where you first meet Preston Garvey. |
Repair | Fusion Cores last 1-% longer | Corvega Assembly Plant | Head to the roof and follow the blue catwalks until you reach the top exterior gantry. |
Science | Get one extra guess when hacking terminals | Malden Middle School (Vault 75) | Head to Basement Level 3, the bobblehead is on a desk overlooking the subterranean "Diner" area. |
Small Guns | +25% critical damage with ballistic guns | Gunners Plaza | Head to the room with the sign above the doors saying "On the Air" (Master lockpick required). You'll find the bobblehead on the broadcast desk inside. |
Sneak | You're 10% harder to detect | Dunwich Borers | Deep within the caves, search for Ghouls. The bobblehead is located on a small metal table by a lantern, near the metal post terminal for area #4. |
Speech | Vendors have 100 mor Caps for bartering | Park Street Station (Vault 114) | Located in the Overseer's Office where you find Nick Valentine (during the main quest "Unlikely Valentine"). The bobblehead is on the desk. |
Strength | Strength +1 | Mass Fusion Building | Located on the metal wall sculpture high above the lobby desk. |
Unarmed | +25% critical damage with unarmed attacks | Atom Cats Garage | In the main warehouse, located on the hood of the rusty car. |