Fallout 4 Guide: All 20 Bobblehead Locations

Boost your perks with these hidden Bobbleheads

Scattered throughout the wasteland in Fallout 4 are Vault Boy Bobbleheads. There are a total of 20 of them located in The Commonwealth, and finding them grants a permanent perk. Each of the 20 Bobbleheads have a different perk effect; seven will improve a specific SPECIAL skill by one rank, while the remaining 13 will improve individual skills.

As I mentioned, the Bobbleheads are scattered throughout the wasteland. Below you can find each location and perk effect they have on your character.

Bobblehead Effect Location Name Location Description
Agility Agility +1 Wreck of the FMS Northern Star On the edge of the bow of the ship, located on a rickety wooden platform past the deck huts
Barter Prices are 5% better Longneck Lukowski's Cannery Go to the assembly room and follow the catwalks up and around. The bobblehead is located inside the metal catwalk hut of the main cannary room.
Big Guns +25% critical damage with heavy weapons Vault 95 Down in the living quarters (northern most room), located on the radio between two couches
Charisma Charisma +1 Parsons State Insane Asylum (level 10 required to enter) Jack Cabot quest chain must be started | Follow Cabot to his office in the Asylum and you'll find the Bobblehead on his desk.
Endurance Endurance +1 Poseidon Energy Inside the central chamber, you'll find the bobblehead on the metal desk near the steam trunk in the central metal catwalk hut.
Energy Weapons +25% critical damage with energy weapons Fort Hagen Located in the kitchen area of the Command Center section of Fort Hagen. It's sitting between two refridgerators on a small table.
Explosive +15% dmaage with explosives Saugus Ironworks Located in the Blast Furnace area (use the destroyed catwalks to reach), the bobblehead can be found on the tall computer attached to the steamer.
Intelligence Intelligence +1 Boston Public Library In the northwest corner of hte Library, reach the mechanical room on the second floor. The Bobblehead is on the computer bank.
Lockpicking Lockpicking is made easier Pickman Gallery Head to the lowest levels of the Gallery and you'll find Pickman being held up by raiders. The bobblehead is located on the ground between the brick pillars near a flaming trashcan in the center of the room.
Luck Luck +1 Spectacle Island Located on a green tugboat in the southern part of the island, you'll find the bobblehead in a locker next to the steamer trunk.
Medicine Stimpacks heal 10% more damage Vault 81 Take the elevator down to Curie's office. The bobblehead is on a desk.
Melee +25% cirtical damage with melee weapons Trinity Tower Inside the cage where Rex and Strong are being held at the very top of Trinity Tower.  You'll need to take elevators up to reach the top floor.
Perception Perception +1 Museeum of Freedom Located on a metal desk in the chamber where you first meet Preston Garvey.
Repair Fusion Cores last 1-% longer Corvega Assembly Plant Head to the roof and follow the blue catwalks until you reach the top exterior gantry.
Science Get one extra guess when hacking terminals Malden Middle School (Vault 75) Head to Basement Level 3, the bobblehead is on a desk overlooking the subterranean "Diner" area.
Small Guns +25% critical damage with ballistic guns Gunners Plaza Head to the room with the sign above the doors saying "On the Air" (Master lockpick required). You'll find the bobblehead on the broadcast desk inside.
Sneak You're 10% harder to detect Dunwich Borers Deep within the caves, search for Ghouls. The bobblehead is located on a small metal table by a lantern, near the metal post terminal for area #4.
Speech Vendors have 100 mor Caps for bartering Park Street Station (Vault 114) Located in the Overseer's Office where you find Nick Valentine (during the main quest "Unlikely Valentine"). The bobblehead is on the desk.
Strength Strength +1 Mass Fusion Building Located on the metal wall sculpture high above the lobby desk.
Unarmed +25% critical damage with unarmed attacks Atom Cats Garage In the main warehouse, located on the hood of the rusty car.