Today has been a big day for Square-Enix. Besides announcing an official sequel to Final Fantasy XIII, they also leaked some new footage of Final Fantasy XIII Versus, and announced the Kingdom Hearts game for the 3DS (Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance….get it, three “D’s”?). That’s not all, as they have finally addressed the issue behind Final Fantasy Type-0, and Type-1, Type-2 and Type-3.
Well, it’s actually the new name for Final Fantasy Agito XIII, the one-time spin off franchise from Final Fantasy XIII. Seems the XIII moniker has been dropped in favor of making this story about warring countries and teenage fighters and crystals it’s own unique spin off franchise. That’s why all those extra “Type-#” games have been trademarked, as SE seems this as a wholly new franchise. Interestingly, this will be one of the few games that will require multiple UMDs, coming at two for a portable title.
Like all the other announcements, this is pretty exciting. However, since we won’t see any actual product in out hands for quite some time, it’s a little hard to be really enthralled by everything. It’ nice to know SE’s momentum for the next year or so.