Five fun activities to do at the Tower in Destiny

Destiny is a serious game. While the live-action trailer would have you believe differently, Destiny is more about humanity's last stand against an impending horde of alien races, rather than a three-way bromance with your Fireteam as you high five your way across dead alien carcass.

But even with Destiny's serious tone, you can still find a few ways to unwind and actually have some fun. The Tower, which is Destiny's main player hub, holds some activities, some more apparent than others, that can be a fun distraction from aiming down your scopes or comparing your item levels.

Play Soccer

Occasionally, a soccer ball will spawn from the sky, dropping in the center are of the Tower, and that's when Guardians will put down their weapons, and put on their cleats, and become the best damn soccer players this side of the Universe.

Of course you can expect others to be drawn to the ball like magnets once someone spots it, creating an impromptu soccer match with no goals, no points, just good old fashion slide kicking fun.

Rail Run

Alright, so this is a game that I put my copyright stamp on, as it's literally one of the first few things I did while on the Tower with my fellow Fireteam members. The goal is quite simple. One person will stand on one edge of the railing that's right by the landing ships, and will sprint their way across the other side. This is somewhat of a challenge in and of itself, however, the real challenge stems from having Fireteam members, who attempt to run at you and push you off the side.

The hilarity stems from either them actually succeeding at pushing you off the side, or them completely missing, and falling to their deaths. The person who successfully pushed off the Rail Runner will then become one, and the process repeats all over again.

Make it to the orange awning

Honestly, I had no idea this was even a thing until one of my Fireteam members showed it to me. When looking at the Tower from where the spaceships land, if you look to the left corner in front of you, you'll notice orange drapes. There's a way to actually get there, and while it serves absolutely no purpose, once you do, you'll feel like a badass, because the process isn't easy.

Like the video showed, it requires you to stand as far back on the first crate right before the first big jump, this will allow you to get on top of that bigger stack of crates. Then sprint and jump to the blue pipes (sprinting is necessary since your jump is very small on top there) and then it's basically a test of patience as you speed along the blue pipes to the other side. The difficult part is that jumping is basically non-existent there, but you'll still need to rely on it since you'll occasionally be shifted off to the right. Also, there is a death counter spelling out your doom, so you can't really take your time with it.

Once you do make it though, you have full bragging rights by dancing your butt off, and gazing as others are jealous of your location.

Dance party on top of Postmaster

Sometimes letting off steam just requires a little booty shaking. Doesn't matter if you're Human, Awoken or Exo, everyone just needs to cut loose from time to time. And what better place to have a dance-off, than the top of the Postmaster building. The spot just begs for it. First off, there's a giant fan underneath, that not only aesthetically looks cool, but it can also be triggered to cause everyone to fly up.

There are two ways you can get on top of the roof, though one way is extremely easy, and the other just takes more time to do. The easiest way is to take a running start from the direction of the Bounty Robot toward the Postmaster, and then jump to make it on top of the roof. The second way requires you to climb the stairs that are located right next to the Postmaster, then jump over the railing which lands you on the blue awning, and then jump to the roof from there. It's a little longer that way, but that spot also allows you to activate the roof fan.

Be a troll

Before Destiny released, players were able to push idle players around to their death, by pushing them off the railing. That has since then been patched. However, you can still do push players as long as their on your Fireteam.

Once you return after a long Engram Farming run, wait for one of your Fireteam members to go to the Cryptarch to start decrypting and checking all their items. Once they do, get to work. They'll have no idea since their screen is obstructed by their equipment menu, and even if you don't get them to fall off the ledge, it's still funny to hear their reaction once the realize they're in a completely different part of the Tower than they were before.