GDC 2009: Halo 3 Ends with ODST, After All

Dagnabit, Bungie!

First, they shine down a ray of hope upon us last week, with Producer Allen Murray hinting that there might be more Halo 3 to come. Alas, that beacon of hope was shattered this weekend, as Bungie has now given the following statement:

“We’ll never say never, but currently Bungie has no plans to make new Halo 3 content beyond the release of ODST. We will, however, continue to support the Halo 3 online experience with regular updates to matchmaking playlists and wield the Banhammer as needed.

“With Forge and the Mythic map Sandbox we’re already seeing the community stepping up to create some great new maps and gametypes that will offer more variety and longevity to the game down the road.

The future of Halo 3 online will become more and more defined by the people who play it.” — Bungie, to Eurogamer

So, in the words of Captain Planet, “the power is yours!” I guess.

As for the Mythic Map Pack itself, expect to see that hit Xbox LIVE on April 9th, with ODST landing sometime this Fall.