While we have known Guitar Hero 3 would be bundled with wireless controllers for some time, it was recently revealed that the PS3 version of GH3 would require a “Dongle,” a sort of remote relay, to be plugged into on of the system’s USB ports.
Fanboys everywhere stopped in their tracks. “Could it be a rumor?” they asked. “Is this all an elaborate ploy to weaken our spirit?” some thought.
Well today the answer came through, and it’s pretty simple. The GH3 guitar just plain doesn’t support Bluetooth. Many had been comparing the PS3 guitar to the Wii guitar, which seemed to be completely wireless. According to Joystiq, this is actually a misconception, as the Wii guitar plugs into the Wiimote, thus hijacking (or is it piggybacking?) its signal.
Theoretically, the PS3 guitar could plug into the Sixaxis as it does with the Wiimote, but the dongle method seems much simpler.
As for the lack of Bluetooth support, it is currently unclear whether Sony is not giving their developers support, Bluetooth has simply proved too expensive to implement, or if there is a massive conspiracy against wireless convenience.
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