When 343 Industries announced a remake of the classic Halo: Combat Evolved, I'll admit that I was skeptical. Taking the game we all loved as children and remaking it to meet today's hi-def standards could've easily compromised the simplistic enjoyment we experienced in our youth.
Now that Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is out, we not only get to relive our childhood nostalgia, but today's generation can experience the game that started it all. What better way to celebrate a 10-year anniversary then creating a game that lets fans experience just how far the gaming industry has come since.
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary combines the same gameplay elements as the original – overpowered pistol included – but updates it with hi-def graphics, widescreen support, online co-op, and achievements.
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary boasts a respectable 8.5 user score on Metacritic. We also gave the game a whopping 9 out of 10 in our Review
"If you loved the campaign then you will love it now, not much has changed as far as content. The missions are exactly as you remember them," said one user about the game.
"The Campaign still feels extremely modern, despite using gameplay that is 10 years old, and is able to hold its own against even the most popular of shooters today," said another user reviewer.
"The single player is as good as you remember. The music, the enemies, the mystery… I could go on and on about how Ce was the game of a decade." The praise continues as you look through the user reviews.
The fact that fans are replaying, and enjoying, essentially the same story with some updated graphics is a testament to just how power the original Halo story was. It just goes to show you that a great story continues to be a driving force in the gaming industry. It's not that fans don't care about graphics but they are willing to spend the cash to replay a game to relive a story they've already seen.
In a sense, it's similar to Star Wars, at least for me. No matter how many times I watch the movies and see the story, it never gets old. It's the same for Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. Fans get to relive a story they love, but with the added bonus of today's magnificent graphics. And if they crave that old-school, textureless look they can always just switch back in-game.
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