Help Us Pick a New Section Title!

As you may have noticed, Advanced Analysis is slowly retiring as we roll out new columns that feature each of our individual editorialists.

While we go through this phase, one of the necessary steps is to pick new titles for our columns. So, resident wordplay guru Jeff Kennedy decided that this would be a great chance to involve our readers. Here’s the rules- your idea simply must be “[insert title] with Jeff Kennedy“. Jeff’s articles largely cover the industry as a whole, DS-centric issues and retro gaming. Bonus points to anyone that can use the letters DS to make the title (e.g.- Daily Show) So, we’re leaving this job up to you! You’ve got until Friday, March 4th at 12 AM EST to get your submissions in! The winner will be credited in the first few editions of the new feature.

Send your submissions to us here

Thanks and good luck!cool