When sales of SEGA and Platinum Games’ MadWorld didn’t soar through the roof, it drew concern from those who wondered about where “core” gaming on the Wii was, and where it might be going. And among those concerned were the developers of another core title to be published by SEGA for the Wii, High Voltage Software and their first-person shooter, The Conduit.
“We were really hoping to raise the quality bar of games on Wii,” explained HVS frontman Eric Nofsinger to the UK’s Official Nintendo Magazine. “All the developers and publishers we’ve talked to, I think they’re playing sort of ‘wait and see’ just now. If it does well and the gamers support it, then I think we’ll see a lot more titles like this. Otherwise we’re going to see a lot more games with Fit and Sports in their name.”
Of course, SEGA themselves don’t seem too worried, looking more at “long tail” sales to earn their profits, rather than immediate gratification. Such may be the key to long-term success on Nintendo’s platform.