Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Matthew Liebl; I’m GameZone’s Senior News Editor. Not only am I the best in the office at PvP in Destiny, but odds are, I’m also better than you (why else are you looking up tips for the Crucible?).
Don’t sweat it, not everyone is bred for cut throat PvP. Some of you are probably only PvPing so that you can fulfill the Exotic Weapon Bounty, like my editor-in-chief Mike Splechta. He’s not good at PvP either, which is why I’ve decided to help you all out.
Come under my wing, baby birds. I’m about to give you some very awesome, very exclusive tips on how to be amazing at PvP in Destiny.
Stick with your teammates
There’s safety in numbers, especially when I’m the one on your team. Sometimes you may be tempted to go at it alone, but in most cases the benefit of having a teammate watch your back will outweigh the one kill you might manage on your own (if that). Not only are they protecting you, but together you guys can deal more total damage to a single target than just a 1v1 matchup. Plus, in certain modes like Skirmish, teammates can actually resurrect each other, adding to your team score. Basically, come with me if you want to live.
Know the map, situation, and your class
As a Titan Striker, I know I’m going to be up in your face. Because of that, I tend to take a close-range secondary weapon like a shotgun. Destiny offers a fair selection when it comes to varying weapons; make sure you choose one that synergizes with both your class and playstyle. Also, make sure it will work on the map you’re about to play on. Though it’s possible to succeed with any weapon on any map, certain Crucible maps do favor certain weapon types. This is where situational awareness becomes important. If you’re in small, tight corridors something like a fusion rifle, shotgun, or even rocket launcher might be beneficial. If you’re in open space attempting to snipe people across the map, a scout rifle or sniper rifle will do the trick. Don’t be afraid to switch weapons in the middle of a match.
Control (and SHARE) the Heavy Ammo
Heavy ammo wins games in the Crucible. I can not stress this enough. This powerful ammunition fuels rocket launchers and machine guns — two of the deadliest weapons in the game. Seriously, if you get heavy ammo and manage to die with it before rattling off at least two kills, then just stop. Or better yet, just stand by the ammo and wait for me to come pick it up. Which brings me to my next point, SHARE the heavy ammo drops. If you are standing near a heavy ammo drop and see a teammate running up (and are not in immediate danger), please just wait for them. If multiple players are near a heavy ammo box when it’s picked up then everyone near it will get some. In most cases, this will result in more kills for your team.
Dance on corpses
Teabagging is so last year — so Halo. Destiny does you one better, giving you the ability to dance on a player’s corpse. Thought a person dropping their digital nuts in your mouth was bad? Imagine what doing an Irish jig on a person’s dead body will do to their ego. And nothing is easier to kill than a frustrated player doing dumb things to exact their revenge.
Play a Hunter
I play the Titan class in PvP; but, as we’ve already established, you are not me. And as I’ve already established, Hunters are the most overpowered class in Destiny. If you find that none of these tips have helped just re-roll a hunter class because even a monkey can play that class. It’s simple: level up your Bladedancer subclass and go to town with Arc Blade.