Jack Thompson VS Kotaku

Many of those who have been keeping up with the unfortunate tragedy at Virgina Tech have seen the infamous attorney Jack Thompson come on the television a mere few hours after the incident to blame violent video games for this tragedy on the basis of no real hard evidence.

One of the comments at large posted on Kotaku read as follows: “Kyle81 says: Actually the VT shootings are now the biggest mass shooting in US history with 31 dead, not just school shooting. Jack should be shot for taking the opportunity to leech off a tragedy to push his own agenda 04/16/07 03:25 PM”

Jack Thompson had asked on national television for these critical statements as well as the entire article entitled “dissecting Jack Thompson’s lies.” When Kotaku refused, Jack Thompson had sent out a fax to the FBI.

Although according to Kotaku nothing will happen of this fax, this is not the first time Jack Thompson has given Kotaku trouble. Jack previously tried to tie Kotaku with allegations that a 14-year-old made a threat against the University of California Berkley campus by emailing one of the sergeants of the campus police. This was unsuccessful.

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