Japan: Slim PSP Sells 1 Million in Two Months

Japan has rediscovered Sony’s PSP.

Earlier today, the company announced that the new PSP has sold an estimated 1 million units in Japan since its launch just two months ago in September. According to them, sales are tracking 2 weeks faster in pace than the original PSP which launched in late 2004.

“The entertainment world of PSP keeps evolving through the introduction of unique accessories as well as with continuous system software updates,” the company said in a press release. “SCEI will deploy various measures to meet users’ demand and vigorously promote the expansion of PSP platform as a new handheld entertainment system to enjoy a variety of digital entertainment contents.”

Holiday PSP titles include Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions and Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow for starters. Stay tuned to AMN for coverage on these games and more throughout this Christmas season.