In order to fully prepare for E3 2014, we must first look back to the biggest games of E3 2013. Let’s get straight to work; we’re going back in time.
Super Mario 3D World
The Wii U was (and still is) a console struggling to meet the lofty expectations set forth by its predecessor. Many people would figure that a 3D Mario platformer would help the system sell. Then those people met Super Mario 3D World.
Well, they kind of met it; Nintendo’s streaming video was beyond buggy and I personally almost missed the entirety of the game’s announcement. Even still, things felt a bit underwhelming; this wasn’t the Mario Galaxy-esque title people were expecting. All that being said, this is a game that fully defines the phrase” don’t just a book by its cover.”
Despite its looks, Super Mario 3D World was easily one of the best games released in 2013. It was a highly creative and enjoyable platformer that met every Nintendo fan’s expectations and deserved its critical praise. Sadly, however, it didn’t help sell Wii U systems and Nintendo’s console is still struggling.
Forza Motorsport 5
There’s no denying the visual beauty of Forza Motorsport 5. Well, maybe our E3 impressions were a bit biased due to the fact that a freakin’ car was brought into the Microsoft booth.
Stll, Forza 5 proved to be an enjoyable launch title that showcased what is capable on the Xbox One. It didn’t really do much of anything else, though. The game honestly felt like a meaty tech-demo that offered plenty of reason to keep coming back yet didn’t fully satisfy our needs. Hopefully Forza Horizon 2 can deliver a fulfilling experience.
Infamous: Second Son
Sony’s flagship PS4 title looked downright spectacular at E3 2013. It looks breathtaking on my home television. It plays, however, like Sucker Punch kept things safe.
Part of the appeal of a marquee launch title is something to help sell the system. The Xbox 360 had it with Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The Wii had it with Wii Sports. No current console has been able to bring that to the table, PS4 and Infamous: Second Son included. It satisfies the early adopters, but fails to give people a reason to run out to the store and pick up the console.
The other marquee launch window exclusive, Titanfall deserved all of its “Best of E3” awards last year. This looked like an experience unlike any other out there. At the end of the day, they were right. They weren’t, however, $499.99 right, especially considering Titanfall is available on both PC and Xbox 360. Even if it wasn’t, there’d be little reason to drop a substantial amount of cash on a system four months after it launched. As much as I enjoy playing Titanfall, its success doesn’t replicate that of Halo: Combat Evolved. It doesn’t have the power to move systems. It does, though, have the power to shape the future of the FPS genre.
I really, really hope it does.
Battlefield 4
Battlefield 4 was playable on the E3 2013 show floor and was an absolute delight.
Battlefield 4 was not playable when it released in the fall of 2013 and was a complete mess. There’s not much else to say about that. Maybe now that the netcode has reportedly been fixed I’ll dive back in, but that’s still a maybe. There’s plenty of other games that have earned my attention.