Looking back, Resident Evil was atrocious

To this day, I keep maintaining that the first Resident Evil game, released in 1996, was really awesome. Looking back, how was I ever creeped out by it? Maybe it is just nostalgia and the drastic change towards an action game that the series has taken, but my memories of the game had me remembering it as some amazing feat of video gaming. It was the first game I was truly nervous to play alone. The story was so creepy.

And then my brother destroyed the foundations on which my world is built when he sent me this video…

My god, that was bad. I recall all of those lines, but not delivered like that! My friends and I still do the mock-Barry Burton voice. "Hope this isn't Chris' blood." But what was with Jill's delivery? I can't find the actress that did her voice, but it was way off. I think a lot of it has to do with the script, too. I mean, we don't exactly have Oscar-winners doing the voice acting, but look at the dialogue that they have to perform. "Jill, you're here too!" "Yes? You're here too?" Kill me now. And the music… ugh…

Now I have to re-evaluate everything. How can I not like the Resident Evil movie or newer games when the game I thought was awesome was so bad? Resident Evil 2 has always been my favorite of the series. Now I'm gonna have to go back and play that. I fear what I might find…

Also, how did I not remember this?! OH GOD THE MUSIC IS KILLING ME!!!

You can follow Movies and Culture Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ