Media: 14 New Mega Man 9 Screens and Four New Pieces of Art

And yet more from Capcom; this time, 14 screens added to our gallery, along with two new Robot Master pics for Splash Woman and Plug Man, and Mega Man wielding their weapons, the Laser Trident and the… um… the “Plug Ball.” Wow. I can just see the American localizers snickering and the developers asking “what’s so funny?” And the localizers are all like “Nothing!” and send it through.

Oh, and the Capcom PR Team sends along the following message with the update:

Please have fun playing Mega Man 9 and when you inevitably ponder why this game is so freaking hard, please remember that Inafune-san has a decanter on his desk full of broken gamer spirits that keeps him perpetually youthful.

Hmm, we’ll just see about that! Inafune may have to invest in some Depends by the time I’m done.