Media: Final Fantasy XIII Japanese Video Montage

While over a million Japanese gamers get to actually play Final Fantasy XIII, those of us on the outside can do little more than count down the days until the game’s release. Oh yeah, and watch these videos.

The first one’s a cutscene involving two of the game’s characters, Vanille and Hope.

Sure, it sucks that the footage here is in Japanese – subtitles and all – but look at it this way, at least it’s that much more spoiler free. Here’s another clip featuring a number of the game’s main characters.

What is perhaps even more jaw dropping than the game’s cinematic moments is just how great this game looks during gameplay. I’ve never seen an RPG with such a sleek and crisp aesthetic. Finally fans of the series get an interactive experience that rivals the visual quality of the game’s unmatched cutscenes.

This final clip takes us back to our friends Vanille and Hope as the two lovebirds explore the world together. How cute.

If anything, waiting for the game’s release has become that much more difficult.