Prepare yourself Internet – The full intro movie for Valve’s Left 4 Dead is online and will make your head explode from the immense amount of awesome. You know how every so often you’ll see a trailer for a movie that will give you goose bumps or cause you to get a tingle in your pantaloons because you know it’s going to be something huge? That’s what I got when I watched this clip. A huge tingle in my pantaloons – but I don’t think you really wanted to know that.
We’re officially 17 days away from L4D’s release date and I’m finding the wait to be unbearable. I’m anticipating this game more than any other title in Q4 and the intro is pretty good confirmation that I’m nuthugging the right product. Don’t believe me? Not excited about Left 4 Dead? Click the play button down below and you’ll probably be running out the door in your Mega Man pajamas to go preorder it. Do the world a favor, put on some pants.