Media: Punch-Out!!: Bear Hugger and Don Flamenco Gameplay

“When it rains, it pours.” That saying can be taken as true for a lot of things, from left-right-left punches to videos depicting left-right-left punches. Yesterday, we had the pleasure of watching an ad for the comeback of Little Mac, as well as a bit of how-to training by former champ Doc Louis.

Today, we get to check out the competition, and it’s not the usual suspects like Glass Joe, the Disco Kid, or King Hippo. Instead, the Great White North is sending a grizzly competitor to keep us from attaining championship gold:

…wow. You know, speaking as someone who’s lived in both places, he really strikes me more as someone who would be from North Carolina or thereabouts, rather than Canada. I guess he’s from even further up north, where they couldn’t bother to call them “provinces,” and instead made them “territories.”

Know what would be awesome? If, in his rematch phase, he wears a hockey mask. And he can throw a cup of Tim Horton’s coffee in your face as a distraction.

But, he’s not the only one we get to see in action, and things are smelling rosy for this next contender.

…did Little Mac just knock part of his hair off?

It’s definitely interesting how each boxer has their own theme as you battle them.