Media: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Arcade Attack – Developer Walkthrough

A couple of months ago, Ubisoft’s next game to feature the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was revealed to be Arcade Attack for the Nintendo DS. Unlike the Wii’s Smash-Up (I still owe you guys a review, look for it next week), this one promised to be a love letter to the fondly-remembered Konami arcade titles the green teens partook in.

But with a release date of November 10th just around the corner, we’re only now able to get our first look at any footage of the game, thanks to IGN’s developer walkthrough video:

I think the game looks good, but the first review I’ve seen for it in the new Nintendo Power disagrees, giving it a 4.5. However, the issues they raise, such as the game basically consisting of going from left to right, beating up waves of enemies, sounds just like the Turtles arcade games to me.

But then, I thought the first game on last generation’s consoles did well at recapturing the arcade games, too, but few seem to agree. I guess we’ll all find out in about 18 days.