Revenge is coming soon… TransFormers: Revenge of the Fallen, that is. And with it will come a new video game, one that will hopefully be good. To that end, a number of new videos are available as members of the development staff show us what to expect.
First up, Art Director Justin Thomas reveals to us the part of the film where Shia LaBeouf’s dad isn’t home, so he calls upon his other father figure, Optimus Prime, to give him a ride around town so he can find some Funyuns. And while he’s busy checking the stores, Optimus has to fight off wave after wave of munchy-craving Decepticon warriors.
In this next video, Thomas shows off Activision’s commitment to innovation by revealing their entry into the nighttime street racing genre, as Sideways skates around and blows up anyone who dares to try to cross the finish line before he does.
Also, Bumblebee winds up living up to his name as he runs and drives around the monstrous Decepticon combiner, Devastator, firing all the while and not seeming to really do a whole lot for his efforts.
Here, we have Producer Jason Ades joining Thomas and telling us what else we can expect from the game:
Cool, I recognize Skydive flying through the city near the end there. And Megan Fox is a gamer? Nice.
Here’s a walkthrough regarding the multiplayer part spoken of above.
And then, for the Wii owners out there, here’s the debut trailer for the console’s more toon-styled brand of movie madness. Reminds me of the Ghostbusters distinction in that regard.
Of course, while it reminds me of Ghostbusters in that regard, I think that one might have done it a bit better. A pity that Activision seems to have no interest in giving us a Generation 1-styled game, I’m sure that would look good here.
And speaking of Generation 1, we wrap up here with the latest from the Angry Video Game Nerd, whose latest video has just come out. This time, “taking us back to the past” has the time circuits set for 1984, and the release of a rather crude TransFormers video game by David Crane for the Commodore 64, as well as the Japan-only TransFormers: The Mystery of Convoy (Optimus Prime’s name over there), which is rather wretched.
Be warned, the Nerd’s usual language applies here:
Fun fact: He laments the use of the theme song, but in fact, the game actually does use the theme song for the title screen. The thing is, Japan had different theme songs from the US cartoon, and the one here is based on the theme from Super Robotic Lifeform: TransFormers 2010, the series which took place after the old ’86 movie.
Meanwhile, there are still some old TransFormers games which I hope he may still touch on, including the Spectrum 48k game, The Headmasters for the Famicom Disc System, and Beast Wars for the Sony PlayStation.