Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Guide: Acquiring Posters and how to use them

Because we all know only Specialists have a refined taste for anime idol girls

The cardboard box has been a staple of the Metal Gear series. The Phantom Pain really ramped up its usefulness, making it less of a novelty item, and more practical for everyday stealth infiltrations.

Snake / Big Boss can make the cardboard box even more useful with the addition of flair. That's right, you can adorn those boxes with posters that can actually be useful whenever you would normally get spotted.

There are three types of posters, each one with two variants: The two vertical Soviet posters, the horizontal and vertical Glamor Posters, and the horizontal and vertical Anime Idol posters. You can slap these bad boys on your cardboard box to either fool guards when you're on the ground, or when standing up in the box, hence the vertical and horizontal nature. But not all posters will confuse and daze soldiers equally.

Vertical Soviet Soldier Poster and vertical PF Soldier Poster

Lifts suspicion of all enemy soldiers who will salute you. Remember the Soviet Poster should be used when in Afghanistan, and the PF Poster when in Africa. These posters can be found in various outposts on the walls.

Vertical and Horizontal Glamor Girl Poster

Lifts suspicion of non-specialist soldiers, who will then drop their weapon and stare at the picture. Non-specialist soldiers are those who don't have a little icon under their stats. You can easily identify non-specialists by using the binoculars. These posters can be acquired from various outposts in either Afghanistan or Africa.

Vertical and Horizontal Anime Idol Girl Poster

Lifts suspicion of specialist soldiers, who will then drop their weapon and stare at the picture. Specialist soldiers are those who have a little icon under their stats. You can easily identify specialists by using the binoculars. These posters can be acquired from Mother Base. The Vertical Poster can be acquired immediately to the right of the helicopter Landing Zone, next to the shower. The Horizontal Poster can be found on the same platform in the hallway right next to the Vertical Poster, but won't appear until after Mission 18.