Microsoft Unfazed by Reported 360 Failure Rate

After hearing that Xbox 360 owners are reporting a 54.2 percent hardware failure rate, Microsoft had one of three options: ignore the news, dispute the news, or accept it and promise to make it up to owners. Here’s their official statement:

“Microsoft stands behind the Xbox 360 as a superior entertainment console with one of the best warranties in the industry. We are constantly improving the design, manufacture and performance of the console through extensive testing of potential sources of any problems. Xbox 360 is pleased to maintain the title of ‘most played console’ and the vast majority of Xbox 360 customers have enjoyed a terrific gaming and entertainment experience since their first day, and continue to, day in and day out.”

An interesting move, Microsoft. You chose to completely ignore the news.

Well, who can blame them. With only three percent of 360 owners saying they wouldn’t buy another 360 if theirs failed, Microsoft is in an ideal position: they don’t have to bother competing with Nintendo or Sony for hardware reliability or customer service, and they retain the loyalty of their user-base. It’s a classic win-lose relationship, and the people who are losing don’t mind.