My Games This Holiday Weekend – 12.24.09 – Resident Evil, Wario, and…?

What? Already?

Yeah, we’re wrapping up a half-day here at Kombo, as Christmas Eve awaits. As for what I’m playing this weekend, my copy of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles finally came in last night, along with my Nyko Perfect Shot, so I definitely plan to lock and load that one sometime this weekend… once I use the composite cables I got with them to plug the Wii in to the HD TV, that is.

And of course, I’m still having fun with Wario Land: Shake It!! Getting those treasures is tougher than it seems, but I enjoy the pseudo-Castlevania-ish descriptions they have, so I’ll likely try to hunt them all down for that.

Of course, there’s a whole stack of presents to get to, so maybe there’s an unknown game for me to try out as well.

I’d say “those are my games this weekend, what are yours?”, but something tells me a number of you probably don’t know just yet. Still, feel free to comment about what you hope to be playing.