Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2

The Microsoft Xbox Console has by now developed a decorated reputation for graphically extroverted racing games with the first wave-hit title Project Gotham Racing, followed by Digital Illusions’ delectable RalliSport Challenge, and most recently, Sega GT 2002. It’s obvious that the common person’s favorite vehicle in any racing game would not be the preliminary machines such as a Ford Focus, or Subaru WRX, but the more exotic, posh and all in all explosively fast cars like the Ferrari 360 Spider, Lamborghini Diablo, and McLaren F1.

Electronic Arts does not want to insult you with pitifully slow cars that you have to race time and time again to unlock the treats. They start you off with a Lotus, and Opel Speedster, which you can swiftly turn into cars like a Ford Mustang, and a BMW M5 by completing exciting, and challenging events.


Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 combines the best of both worlds; the 33 fast paced police getaway scenarios in Hot Pursuit, and the 33 head-to-head competitive races in Championship mode. These two game modes have their ups and downs, but they both offer a solid Gameplay experience that leaves you wanting more.

The Police Scenarios; in this mode you race a full grid of opponents each with the desire to hug the finish line. However, the streets are lined with cops who are just itching to get you for any disregard for the law, such as speeding, or the (oh so common in racing games) hit & run. Thankfully, the police cars do not ignore your opponents and target you every time in this mode, they chase whoever passes them first who doesn’t already have a police car bumping and swiping them off the road.

Should you outrun the police, they will try to outsmart you by placing hazards such as roadblocks, or even spikes on the path ahead of you. They are typically easy to avoid, but often, when you realize where the spikes or roadblocks are, it’s too late.

The only downside to this mode would be the unprecedented speed of the police force, although adding some flavor to the game by the thrill of being chased and run off the road, it can be sometimes annoying. I don’t remember the last time I heard “Local Police Car Runs a Ferrari 360 Spider Running at Top Speed down a Long Stretch of Road” on the news. Anyone who’s been to the unlawed highways of Germany can appreciate that once a Ferrari or whatnot puts the pedal to the metal, there is no catching him.

The Championship Mode; not fond of being hassled by the police? This mode is for you. All the thrill of racing a full grid of exotic cars, without the fear of being run off the road right before the finish line of a course you’ve been racing for the last 15 minutes. The races are charted with a tree diagram, once you beat the first race, you’ve unlocked 2 more, beat one of the two, and you’ll get 2 more, and so on. Prizes are awarded through points. For example, if you get gold on one of the courses, you’ll get 5000 points, silver gets you 3000, bronze, 500. If you win two of these courses, you’ll have 10,000 points and you’ll be able to afford a Ferrari 360 Spider that you can race in Single Challenge mode (multiplayer).

The size of each of the course surpasses the ranks of games like Grand Turismo 3, some laps can even chalk up 5 minutes, which adds a truckload of replay value.

What would a vehicular racing game be without a Multiplayer mode? A future $5 buy at the bargain bin. Need of Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 packs a solid multiplayer experience for you and 1 acquaintance, so even though James and Sam won’t be joining you and Joe in the 2 player single race, the incredible Gameplay and stunning graphics clearly compensate the 4-player deficiency.


The environments of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 much resembles those set by RalliSport challenge. Much of the game takes place in rural & mountain terrains, which adds a lot of depth to the game. Electronic Arts paid close attention to detail, designing even the water under a bridge that you pass for 1 second to look brilliant.

There is nothing bad to say about vehicular detail. Need for Speed is on par with Project Gotham Racing, it has the complete package; reflections, shine, & sleek design. Although there is no car damage factor, most people (including me) do not consider this a very big deal, I’m actually fond of keeping the lustrous Lamborghini Diablo in shape through all 5 laps as opposed to steering a crumpled heap of metal at 200mph.


Electronic Arts mixed a pretty decent, energetic sound track, which evidently walks hand and hand with the Gameplay. Artists on the track include Bush, Uncle Kracker, Rush, Course of Nature, Hot Action Cop and more. If you’re not fond of the music, or the fairly small selection of songs, you can always put the Xbox Console’s hard drive to the test and plug in your own beats.

If engine sound realism is your thing, then you’re too involved in the game. Nevertheless, I’m not going to lie to you, it sounds as if there is 1 base engine rev, and it’s just sped up and pitched as you get faster car, it’s anything but annoying, but it would have been a nice addition to have sound authenticity.

Overall Impressions

Arguably, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 is one of the best racing games that has worn the Xbox logo. If a few small points are overlooked, like the unbounded speed of the police car, or the limited 2 player multiplayer mode, this game will be a competitor for racing game of the year. Electronic Arts are maintaining their strong lineup for the Xbox Console; I’m just relieved we don’t have another smashing drive on our hands here.

Matt Durrant