New Game Swims With the Fishes

Import gamers now have another title on their wish-list. Nintendo’s new DS title Electro Plankton Those adventurous enough to pick up Jam With the Band will find this new DS game surprisingly similar in nature. Both games are apart of Nintendo’s expanding lineup of music titles for their dual screened handheld.

Electro Plankton is set to release in Japan on April 7th, and will some new and unique features available to it. For one their will be several unlockable songs; ranging from classic NES hits such as the theme for Super Mario Brothers.

Nintendo’s new title will put the user in a truly unique world to boot. Players will find themselves immersed in an undersea world filled with what else; plankton. While playing, the game will require the user to utilize the unique aspects of the portable system. Players will be required to use the touch screen, while simultaneously using the provided microphone for voice input. It is still unknown as to if this feature will make the game unappealing to import gamers, however more information regarding this title as well as others should emerge in the coming weeks.